Student at REALTEK

International applicants / International students
Frequently asked questions from international applicants
Please see the page: Frequently asked questions from international applicants | NMBU
- How to apply
- Language requirements
- Tuition fees
Incoming Exchange students
Please see the page: Incoming exchange students | NMBU
- How to apply
- Courses, levels and teaching period
- Student life at NMBU
- Contact info
Study advising
The study advisors at REALTEK can help you with questions about your courses, study plan or personal circumstances that are affecting your studies.
NB: We encourage all students to try and search for answers to their questions via the available NMBU web pages before contacting us. The answers to your questions may be just a web page away. Please see useful pages below.
Useful pages
- NMBU student (new student, exams, health and student life, exchange, administer your studies, course schedule etc.)
- Courses search (search for and find course descriptions)
- Master's thesis at REALTEK
- Canvas (online learning platform for each course)
- Academic calendar
- Frequently asked questions from international applicants
To ensure that you receive a reply as quickly as possible, we encourage you to use the email below, not the study advisor's personal work email. Send your inquiry to:
Bookable study advising sessions
- We offer bookable study advising sessions at REALTEK - either in-person or online.
- Click on the button below to access the booking page for study advising REALTEK. Please note that the page is in Norwegian. If you need to translate the page, you may use the translate option in your browser.
For questions regarding academic matters (course registration, withdrawal from courses, semester registration, questions regarding admission, exchange office etc.) the Student Information Centre (SIT) can be reached by phone 67 23 01 11. You may also reach them by email
The Study Advising Team at REALTEK:
Courses with limited capacity
Some courses have an earlier application deadline than the normal deadline.
The deadline for applying to courses with limited capacity:
- Autumn parallell: August 30.
- January block: November 24.
- Spring parallell: January 25.
- June block: March 25.
These deadlines are only for courses taught at REALTEK. The normal deadlines for NMBU can be found in the Academic Calendar.
The course pages will tell you if there is limited capacity to the course. The criteria for being accepted to take the course are also listed. Students are ranged based on these criteria. If you have not applied to the course within the deadline, you will not be ranged even if you fulfill the criteria. After the preapplication process, other students can take the remaining spots, if there are any.
The deadline for appling to the remaining spots is 1 February for the spring semester and 15 September for the fall semester.
These courses have a limited capacity and preapplication:
Spring semester
- FYS235 Electronics
- GMLM102 Geodetic Surveying Basics
- THT271 Water & Wastewater Treatment: Basic Course
- THT311 Water & Wastewater Treatment (special topics)
- TIP150 Modern Workshop Technology, Introductory Course
- TMP160 Engineering Design
- TMP220 Machine Parts and Power Systems
- TMP261 Heat and Flow Simulation
- Master's thesis
Autumn semester
- FYS230 Electrical Engineering
- INF200 Advanced Programming
- PPFO100 Personal development
- TBA331 Building Performance Simulation
- TBM200 Materials Science and Engineering
- TEL280 Mobile robots and navigation
- TIP200 Product Development and Product Design with 3D
- TIP300 Concept and Product Realization
- Master's thesis
Student associations
All study programs at REALTEK has its own student association. The student associations are run by the students, and are important for the study environment, both academically and socially.
Join one or more of the student associations at the Faculty of Science and Technology, or one of the others at NMBU - there are over 80 student associations in total!Teknikum The umbrella association for the Faculty of Science and Technology Aquariås Water and environmental technique Atlas Geomatics (bachelor and master) DataSci Data Science Fagverket Building technique and architecture Indøk NMBU Industrial economy La stå Science teacher Miljøfysikerne Environmental physics (bachelor and master) Robotnik Robotics Tannhjulet Technology and product development
(previously Machine,- process and product development)
Group rooms and reading rooms
We have many group study rooms and reading rooms at REALTEK. See how to book a room here.
Group rooms
There are bookable group rooms on the first floor, two rooms on the second floor and two on the third floor.
Rooms can be booked via TimeEdit. Instructions on how to book a group study room is found here.
Reading rooms
Most reading rooms are open for all students with the concept "first come first served" and clean desk policy. Leave the desk the way you would like to find it, and clean up after yourself.
The reading room TF 1-154 on the main floor is open for all students with 33 spots.
Reading rooms for master students - reserved spots
There are reserved reading rooms for students writing their master's thesis located at Studentenes hus (TF6).
For questions, please contact
Rules for using the reading rooms
- Show consideration for other students. The sound on phones, laptops and etc. should be turned off at all times. It's not allowed to speak on the phone while you are in the room. If you're using a headset, please make sure the sound from your headset is inaudible for others.
- Everyone must contribute to keeping the masters reading rooms clean and tidy. This includes cleaning kitchen areas and kitchen equipment after use.
- At the end of the day everyone tidies up the desk they’ve used. Personal belongings should be put on shelves (where they are available) or in lockers. Someone else should be able to use your desk tomorrow.
- Students with access to rooms with physical keys must return the keys at the end of the semester.
Breaking the rules
- If the rules are broken, the responsible student or all students using the reading room will be given a warning. The warning will be written and hung up on the door/put on the reading spot and sent via e-mail.
- If you experience that some students don't follow the rules, you can report it to the study advisors on e-mail
Studying abroad
While studying at NMBU, many of our students choose to take one or more semesters abroad. This is a great opportunity to get experience, try something new, and have fun.
You'll find everything you need to know about studying abroad here. NMBU's student office has an exchange office, which works exclusively on helping exchange students and students who wish to study abroad. They can answer almost every question regarding studying abroad and the rules for traveling.
Realtek's student advisers can answer questions regarding courses. We can help you evaluate the courses you have found and to fit your studies around an exchange period.
When and where to travel
We recommend you start planning as early as possible. Which school do you want to go to? Which semester, or semesters, do you want to go? Book an appointment with the exchange office if you are unsure how to go ahead with the process.
Before you go on an exchange, you must have passed 60 study points/ECTS. This means that your first opportunity to go is the first semester of your second year. Usually, students go in their third or fourth year. We do not recommend leaving for an exchange period in the semester before writing you master’s degree, because the preparations sometimes need you to be physically at NMBU. In addition, your study plan must have room for your exchange courses. If the only thing missing in your study plan is your master's thesis, your application for exchange will not be accepted. The same applies if you only have mandatory courses that none of the courses taught in the exchange school can replace.
Courses at the exchange university
When planning to study abroad for a semester, you need to make sure you follow the number of mandatory courses in that semester in your study plan. If you choose to go on exchange in a semester with many mandatory courses in your study plan, please be aware that it might be difficult finding suitable replacement courses at the exchange university. Therefore - as previously stated - start your planning early. Perhaps you are able to rearrange your study plan in order to free up some space for elective courses for your exchange period? Some courses are easier to find replacements for than others, and some schools limit the courses exchange students are allowed to register for. Many students choose to save up "basic" courses like statistics and economy for their exchange semester. Try to consider studying abroad based on the courses available, rather than the place.
In the link below you can find an overview of previously accepted replacement courses, categorized after country and university:
Accepted elective courses not shown in the list.
All courses must be of academic relevance. Non-academic courses like "soccer", "arts" etc. will not be approved.
The application process
Approving of courses
Both before and after your exchange period, your courses must be approved by the study counselors at your faculty.