TEL280 Mobile roboter og navigasjon


Ansvarlig fakultet:Fakultet for realfag og teknologi

Emneansvarlig:Weria Khaksar

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk

Antall plasser:25


Forventet arbeidsmengde:Forelesninger, dataøvinger, laboratorieøvinger og hjemmearbeid, ca. 250 timer.

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:Emnet starter i høstparallellen. Emnet har undervisning/vurdering i høstparallellen.

Om dette emnet

The course deals with navigation for autonomous robots. Topics covered include location, path planning, a two-way controller and mapping using SLAM algorithms. In the course, students will use Python together with the framework ROS (Robot Operating System) when they work with robot navigation in simulation and on real robots. In addition to learning basic techniques, students will also gain insight into what is moving on the research front within autonomous navigation.

Dette lærer du

After completing the course, students should be familiar with basic techniques in autonomous navigation, and they should be able to apply what they have learned to real robot systems.
  • Lectures: Concepts are presented and problems are analyzed in plenary

    Computer exercises: presented concepts are practiced on their own through tutorials and programming tasks

    lab exercises: presented concepts are tested on real and simulated robots

    • Assistant teachers will guide and support students during practice classes and labs
    • Course room on Canvas
  • Pensumlitteratur kunngjøres ved kursstart.
  • TEL211
  • Mappevurdering

    Mappevurdering Karakterregel: Bestått/ Ikke bestått
  • Ekstern sensor kvalitetssikrer pensum, eksamensoppgaver og prinsipper for evaluering og besvarelser.
  • Students must have all lab exercises approved. Details are announced at the start of the course. Compulsory activity must be performed in the same year as the exam is taken, ie previously approved compulsory activity is not accepted.
  • Anvendt Robotikk
  • Realfag