Master's thesis at REALTEK

There are many things to keep in mind as a master's student. Here you will find information that is common to all master's students at Realtek.
Important deadlines
Forms and templates are found here.
Notification - Choice of thesis:
- June 1 (for students who will start writing their thesis the next spring semester)
- November 1 (for students who will start writing their thesis the next autumn semester)
- The online form Notification - Choice of thesis is submitted approximately 1 year before you submit the master's thesis.
Submission of contract
- December 1 (for students who are writing the thesis in the spring semester)
- August 15 (for students who are writing the thesis in the autumn semester)
- The contract for degree thesis is submitted here:
Registration deadline for master's thesis:
- Autumn semester: 15. September
- Spring semester: 1. February
Registration deadline for special syllabus:
- Autumn semester: 15. September
- Spring semester: 1. February
Confidential degree thesis:
- Preferably delivered with "Contract for degree thesis" or else before the following deadlines:
- Autumn semester: 15. November
- Spring semester: 15. April
- Delivered to study administration for approval. The signed form is uploaded together with the assignment as an attachment in WISEflow.
Application for extended submission deadline:
- Autumn semester: 15. November
- Spring semester: 15. April
- Submitted via online form.
Deadline for submission of thesis:
- Autumn semester: 15. December at 12:00 (noon)
- Spring semester: 15. May at 12:00 (noon)
- (If the deadline falls on a holiday, the submission deadline is the following working day)
What does it take to write a master's thesis?
All mandatory courses and requirements in the study plan must be passed before the start of the semester in which you are to submit the master's thesis. If you are missing courses, or are unsure whether this applies to you, contact the study advisors as soon as possible. If you lack mandatory courses in your study plan, your thesis may be postponed to a later semester. Always check your study plan in StudentWeb and make sure you are on track.
STEP 1: How to find / choose a master's thesis and supervisor
All our study programs conduct information meetings for the selection of a master's thesis the year before the thesis is to be written. Here the potential supervisors present themselves and their proposals for master's thesis. Time and place for these will be announced on Canvas.
A tip for finding a supervisor is to contact the course coordinators in courses with topics you would like to write a thesis about. Maybe they are interested in being a supervisor for you, or know who you can possibly contact. If you have an idea for a thesis, contact someone in the academic staff on the study programme that the topic is relevant for. Academic staff can be found via the Faculty page.
Most students have a supervisor from the department to which their study programme belongs, but you are free to have a supervisor from another department, or from another faculty at NMBU. The main supervisor must be employed at NMBU, but the co-supervisor may be external.
Two students may write their degree thesis partly or entirely together, see more information in NMBU's academic regulations.
Presentations from previous information meetings for master's thesis
Department Date Previous presentation (for 2022(2023) Data Science January 22. 2025, at 12:15 in TF1-102 (Auditoriet) Data .
Information meeting about the master's thesis:
STEP 2: Notification of choice of degree thesis
Once the supervisor has agreed to cooperating with you for your thesis, you must submit the online form for "Notification - Choice of thesis"
Submission form for the notification - choice of thesis
All students who are to write a master's thesis and are admitted to a study programme at REALTEK must submit this online form. This also applies to REALTEK students with a main supervisor from another faculty at NMBU.
This notification is for notifying the faculty that you are planning on writing a thesis at REALTEK. The notification does not need to include all final details for the thesis.
Deadlines for submission of the notification:
- June 1st: If you are submitting the thesis the following spring semester
- November 1st: If you are submitting the thesis the following autumn semester
If changes are made for the notification after submission:
There is no need in submitting a new notification. Inform about the changes, if any.
STEP 3: Contract for degree thesis
Once you have worked out the details for your thesis, you must submit the Thesis contract. Seek guidance from your supervisor if needed.
Submission form for the Thesis contract
It is recommended that you fill out the contract as carefully as possible, as the contract is intended as a security for you. Think through and clarify who will be responsible for any expenses, patent rights, supervisor responsibility (if you have several supervisors), etc. If you are two students writing together, it should say something about obligations to each other, what happens if one of you become ill / does not contribute as agreed, etc. The more complementary the contract, the easier it is to handle situations that may arise along the way.
On the page Forms and templates for students you will find other documents and/or forms that may be relevant for your thesis contract (postponed publication/confidential degree thesis/collaborating with an external company etc.)
Deadlinges for submission of the contract:
- December 1st: If you are submitting the thesis the following spring semester (May 15t)
- August 15th: If you are submitting the thesis in the autumn (December 15th)
STEP 4: Registration for the master's thesis
You must register for the master's thesis course at the start of the semester in which you are to submit the master's thesis. Which course code you should sign up for depends on your supervisor. Select the code that belongs to the supervisor's study program:
- M30-AQFOOD: Aquatic Food Production
- M30-BA: Construction Engineering and Architecture
- M30-DV: Data Science
- M30-GEOM: Geomatics
- M30-IØ: Industrial Economics
- M30-LUN: Lecturer in natural science
- M30-MF: Environmental Physics and Renewable Energy
- M30-MPP: Machine, process and product development
- M30-RB: Applied Robotics
- M30-VM: Water and environmental engineering
It is not possible to withdraw the course registration for the master's thesis.
The study administration at REALTEK will complete and grant the registration if all requirements are met.
Financial support for master's students at Realtek
We are now testing a scheme with financial support directly for master's students and will evaluate this scheme over time. Master's students are offered support up to NOK 5,000 per student. The budget must be specified in the contract between the student and the supervisor for the degree thesis (the budget can be submitted afterwards if the contract has already been submitted, but it must be submitted as soon as possible). The supervisor must approve the budget, but it is the student who disposes of the funds.
Funds are earmarked and can only be used for:
- Expenses for field trips.
- Purchase of equipment and materials for laboratory exercises that are necessary for the completion of the master's degree project.
- Purchase of licenses for analysis programs that are necessary for the completion of the master's degree project.
- Expenses for conferences where the student will present their master's degree project.
Costs for printing a master's thesis are not included in the support scheme (the master's thesis is only delivered digitally to NMBU). The financial support can not be used for books or for participation in courses or conferences (with the exception of conferences where the student present their master's degree project).
The costs are reimbursed on the basis of submission of original receipts to the administration. Claims for reimbursement of expenses are submitted together after submitting the master's thesis. Trine Næss Henriksen is the contact person for any questions. Please fill out this online form to receive the financial support for expenses.
Are you going to write a master's thesis at another faculty?
Students who write at another faculty are referred to the guidelines for master's theses at this faculty. In addition, the online form for REALTEK for notification of the choice of degree thesis must be filled in, see info further up on this page. The master's contract is delivered both to the other faculty and to REALTEK.
Note that the thesis must in any case be approved as part of your study program by the program council. Some study programs (Construction Engineering and Architecture and Industrial Economics) also require that a co-supervisor is employed at the faculty.
Are you going to write a master's thesis of 60 credits?
Students who wish to write an extended master's thesis of 60 credits, must apply for this to the faculty together with notification of choice of degree thesis. Application is sent to
The teaching committee decided in meeting 6/17:
Realtek can offer 60 credits of master's theses in special cases upon application to UU-Realtek and where the following conditions are met:
- Supervision must not go beyond other supervision capacity at the department (eg in that the master's thesis is mainly supervised by an external supervisor)
- The head of department has approved the master's agreement.
You must submit the contract within the current deadline for the first semester you are to write the thesis.
Confidential degree thesis
This is uploaded in the online form together with the thesis contract or sent by email to, and must be approved by the faculty. The student(s) is obliged to submit the completed form together with the thesis when submitting it in Wiseflow. The form is uploaded to Wiseflow as an attachment.
Reading rooms for master's students
Please see info at Student at REALTEK
Previous master's theses
In Brage you can find and read the master's theses from former students.
Useful information
- SiT's pages about the degree thesis: Here you will find all common info and regulations for degree theses at NMBU, with useful checklists and tips.
- The library: Here you will find info about citation, plagiarism and various resources. They regularly arrange EndNote courses and other useful events.
- Canvas course on writing academic texts
- NMBU's academic regulations: Especially Part V: Degree theses. Here you will find rules and routines for the degree thesis, what happens in the event of non-submission, failure, illness, application for extended submission deadline, how oral presentation works, etc.
- Guidelines for use of AI at REALTEK
Click here to see the presentation from information meeting about thesis.
If you have questions regarding the master's thesis that this page didn't answer, please contact the study administration at