Information on semester start-up 2022.
This checklist will help you get started.
Monday 15 August 2022
Information day for new students at the programme.
Building: KA building, room KA332a.
Time: kl 1230 - 1400
- Welcome from Pro-Dean to all new students
- Welcome from Head of Department
- Presentation of the Programme by Programme leader
- Presentation of teachers and courses the first semester
Buddy acitivities in the afternoon/evening.
Tuesday 16 August 2022
Study start GLA301 Introduction to Landscape Architecture for Global Sustainability
More detalied information will soon be available HERE
See the teaching schedule for further information about time and place for this course and other courses.
Buddy activities in the afternoon/evening.
Wednesday 17 August 2022
GLA301 Introduction to Landscape Architecture for Global Sustainability
August block registration/withdrawal deadline
Buddy activities in the afternoon/evening.
Thursday 18 August 2022
GLA301 Introduction to Landscape Architecture for Global Sustainability
Buddy activities in the afternoon/evening.
Friday 19 August 2022
Matriculation for new students kl 1300-1400.
Link will soon be available.
Buddy activities in the afternoon/evening.
For important deadlines see Academic calendar.
Looking forward to seeing you all in August!

Important information about the compulsory studio-course GLA302 starting in September:
The GLA 302 teachers have organized fieldwork in the Ahr Valley (Ahrtal), Germany. The fieldwork, an essential component of the studio course, is planned for the beginning of the semester with a maximum length of 4 weeks (19/09 - 16/10). The teachers will schedule a meeting during the August block to discuss with the GLA 302 students travel's technicalities. Moreover, detailed travel plans and instructions will be delivered to the class at the beginning of the course.
The Valley is a popular German travel destination for tourists. In July 2021, the Valley was heavily affected by the Ahr River flood and had since been cleaned up and rebuilt in a rapid rebuilding process. There is still related construction, but the touristic business has been reopened, and all services and facilities for safe traveling are available again.
The field trip (in GLA302) is not mandatory, but we strongly recommend you to participate. For those students who do not have the opportunity to participate, an alternative program will be arranged on campus.

Information about fieldtrip in the course GLA302 in Autumn parallel - scroll down on this page