Gro Ladegård

Gro Ladegård


  • Handelshøyskolen
    • Leadership and Management
  • Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Kubberød, Elin and Gro Ladegård (2021): Enhancing entrepreneurial learning through mentoring: a situational and generic mentor role taxonomy. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, Vol 28, Issue 5, pp. 805-819.

    Gjerde, Susann and Gro Ladegård (2018): Leader role crafting and the functions of leader role identities. Journal of leadership & organizational studies, Vol. 26, Issue 1, pp.44-59.

    Rasmussen, Casper Claudi, Gro Ladegård and Silja Korhonen-Sande (2016): Growth intentions and board composition in high-growth firms. Journal of Small Business Management, DOI: 10.1111/jsbm.12307

     Ladegard, Gro and Casper Claudi Rasmussen (2015): Corporate governance in high-growth firms. Corporate ownership and Control, Vol. 12, Issue 2, p. 308-317. (main author)

    Ladegård, Gro and Susann Gjerde (2014): Leadership coaching, leader role-efficacy and trust in subordinates: A mixed methods study assessing leadership coaching as a leadership development practice. The Leadership Quarterly, Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 631-646. (main author)

    Ladegard, Gro, Katrin Hansen and Andrea D. Buehrmann (2014): Exploring director recruitment: What characteristics constitute an appointable candidate? In: Mueller, Jens and Philippa Wells (2014): Governance in action globally 2014. Oxford, UK: RossiSmith Academic Publications Ltd., p. 177-200. (main author)

    Ladegard, Gro (2013): Legitimacy, inclusion and influence: Investigating women directors’ board experiences. In: Machold, Silke, Morten Huse, Katrin Hansen and Marina Brogi (eds): Getting women on corporate boards. A snowball starting in Norway. London: Edward Elgar, p. 147-154.

    Elstad, Beate and Gro Ladegård (2012): Women on corporate boards: key influencers or tokens? Journal of Management and Governance Volume 16, Issue 4 (2012), Page 595-615 (equal contributors)


    Ladegård, Gro (2011): Ledelse og styring: ”both sides, now”. Magma, Tidsskrift for Økonomi og Ledelse, Vol 14, No 1 p. 20-23.

  • AOS300: My Leadership.