Erasmus+ traineeship
Through Erasmus+ students can do a traineeship at a European (and EEA) institution, company, research center, training center and organisation. It is also possible for interns in Norwegian embassies in EU, Iceland, Turkey and Macedonia to apply for Erasmus+ grant.
The traineeship must be approved by the faculty as part of the student's degree.
Note: In accordance with NMBU’s rules and regulations, ECTS credits cannot be awarded for salaried internships. Monetary stipend support from the host institution is permitted alongside the Erasmus+ stipend.
- You need to be an active student registered in a study program at NMBU when you apply for the traineeship.
- Traineeship has to be approved as part of your degree at NMBU.
- Minimum length of traineeship is 2 months(60 days) max 12 months.
- Student is responsible for finding the traineeship. NMBU has no agreements with external traineeship partners.
- You must have passed a minimum of 60 ECTS before departure.)
- Application form for Learning Agreement for Traineeship must be submitted well ahead of the traineeship.
Application process (Learning Agreement)
Once a traineeship has been found:
A three-part Learning Agreement for Traineeships must be signed by the student, NMBU faculty (study advisor) at NMBU and by the host organisation. This is sent to NMBU institutional Erasmus+ coordinator: utveksling@nmbu.no
Learning Agreement for Traineeship
Once Learning Agreement has been received, NMBU coordinator will calculate stipend and send a Grant Agreement and further information to applicant.
Grant amount
How much can I receive?
For the academic year 2024-2025:
- € 680 per month for traineeships in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Sweden
- € 620 per month for all other programme countries
Your grant is based on the duration of your stay:
- Start date: the first day you are required to be present at the host organisation.
- End date: the last day you are required to be present at the host organisation.
The host organisation must confirm the start and end dates. If you travel to the host country earlier than required, for example for a language course, you will not receive grant support for this period. This also applies if you decide to stay in the host country after the confirmed end date.
Equal opportunities - additional support for underrepresented groups and those with fewer opportunities
Students from underrepresented groups in student mobility ("students with fewer opportunities") are entitled to additional grants. The additional grant isto ensure inclusion and diversity in Erasmus+ and students from underrepresented groups within study mobility should make greater use of the opportunities Erasmus+ opens up. Applicant can only receive one additional scholarship, even should they fall under repeated categories listed.
Additional grants from 2024 for:
1 Students with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments. The UN's definition of people with disabilities are considered "students with fewer opportunities". This definition is broad, and indicates that the disability and/or the chronic illness must be long-term. "People with disabilities include people with long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments who, in the face of various barriers, can prevent them from participate fully and effectively in society, on an equal footing with others" (taken from the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - fn.no). 2 Students with refugee status 3 Students with children, or students who are the primary caregiver of younger siblings, elderly family members and/or family members with serious mental and/or physical illness or addiction. 4 First generation students whose parents or older siblings did not complete higher education (bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctorate) 5 Students who belong to the indigenous people of Norway, or one of the national minority groups (Forest Finns, Jews, Kven/Norwegian Finns, Roma, and Romani/Taters). The affiliation can be linked to language and cultural anchoring in that the student either a) uses the relevant language as home language and/or b) has or had a parent, grandparent or great-grandparent with the relevant language as their home language Or (only apply to Sami students) c) is in, or is the child of a person who is or has been in, the Sami population. - Documentation requirements: Students must sign a declaration ("declaration on honour") to confirm that they belong to the category "students from underrepresented groups/students with fewer opportunities".
How to get the additional funding?
Submit an application by completing the 'Declaration of Honour' form.
Application for additional grant must be submitted at the same time as Learning Agreement. Any applications received after will not be processed.
Additional grant is €250 extra per month
To protect your personal data we ask that you do not send us sensitive information by email.
In addition:
Students with disabilities and need for facilitation.
- NMBU can apply for extra inclusion support from the EU, which will cover documented extra expenses related to exchange. The need must be documented through a doctor's certificate or similar, and the support must cover actual expenses (which are not covered by aids/support that the person can bring with them from Norway). There is no upper limit to this support. This is how the EU has defined a person with a need for extra support (special needs): «a person with special needs; a potential participant whose individual physical, mental or health-related situation is such that his/her participation in the mobility action would not be possible without extra financial support".
Examples of facilitation options:
Adapted housing
Availability access
Adapted study literature (audiobooks)
Possibility of assistance
This is how the EU has defined a person with a need for extra support (special needs): «a person with special needs; a potential participant whose individual physical, mental or health-related situation is such that his/her participation in the mobility action would not be possible without extra financial support».
How to apply for inclusion support? Submit an application by using this form
Application for additional grant must be submitted at the same time as Learning Agreement. Any applications received after will not be processed.
Erasmus+ Travel support
From autumn 2024 travel support will be introduced for all mobilities, where a higher grant rate is given for green journeys (at least 50% of the journey is carried out in an environmentally friendly way). The travel allowance is based on the travel distance.
Contact utveksling@nmbu.no for more information