Marko Ocepek

Marko Ocepek


  • Etologi og dyrevelferd



Marko Ocepek is mostly working on topics related to pigs (research and teaching). He has a doctorate (entitled “Can we produce a super sow? Maternal investment, maternal traits and its consequences for piglet survival, 2017”) at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). His work is focused on pig behavior in relation to productivity, environment, housing, nutrition, welfare, genetics, and their interactions, which are crucial for ensuring the future sustainability of pig farming. Lately he is also working with topics related to precision livestock production. He is responsible for master course "Smart Livestock Production" (Course code HFX315 | NMBU), PhD course "Individual PhD course in Ethology (Course code HET401 | NMBU) and teaches in other courses as well. Curently he works on DIGIPIG and IPN project "Griseløft" (Økt konkurransekraft, bedret grisevelferd og styrket verdiskapning - utvikling og dokumentasjon av velferdsfremmende tiltak for slaktegris (Innovasjonsprosjekt i næringslivet - BIONÆR) with Nortura, Norsvin, Felleskjøpet, og Fjøssystemer. Marko is the Nordic regional secretary for ISAE (international society of applied ethology; link: Nordic (



- Smart pig production

- Pig behavior

- Pig housing

- Maternal and neonatal behaviour

- Biological consequences of selection

- Behavioural ecology

- Emissions

- Environmental management

- Pig welfare