Silja Korhonen-Sande


  • Handelshøyskolen

I teach and do research on business strategy and strategy implementation. My current areas of research interest are the role of inter-organizational co-operation and competition in industry development (buyer-supplier relationships, competitor relationships, relationships between start-ups and established firms, etc.), and implementation of customer-oriented strategies. For recent publications, please see Cristin. My current projects include SAMVEKST Samkonkurranse- og vekststrategier i småskala matproduksjon (Strategies for co-opetition and growth in the artisan food industries), INNOVINN Håndtering av avveiinger mellom innovasjon og kostnadsreduksjoner i innkjøpsrelasjoner (Managing trade-offs between innovation and cost reductions in purchasing) and METAINSIKT Informasjonsstyring for bedre kundeinnsikt  (Systematic literature review on the management of customer information).