Geir Hofgaard Lieblein

Geir Hofgaard Lieblein


  • Plantebiologi, matsystemer og planteproduksjon

I have been Head of the Agroecology MSc program at NMBU since it started in 2000. Over the past decades I have facilitated educational development in agroecology in several countries in North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. My research encompasses recycling of organic matter in tropical agriculture, food quality including medical implications, farming and food systems development as well as action education in agroecology. Presently I work as professor of Agroecology at the Faculty of Biosciences at NMBU.

In 2003 I received the NLH (NMBU) Study Quality Price; in 2007 the NOVA Prize; in 2010 the Best Lecturer Award at the Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences, NMBU; in 2011 the NMBU Educational Award; and in 2016 The National Educational Quality Award.

In 2020, I was appointed "Excellent Teaching Practitioner" by NMBU.

In the period 2006 – 2009 I was appointed visiting professor at University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. Since 2012 I have been visiting professor at the University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy. In 2011 I was honorary scholar at University of Wisconsin, Madison, and in 2014 I was visiting professor at University of Davis, California.