Om faggruppen
Våre sentrale forskningsområder er fôrevaluering og -optimalisering, fôrteknologi, utvikling og utnyttelse av nye fôrråvarer, bærekraftig utnyttelse av nasjonale fôrressurser, reduksjon av klimagassutslipp, mikrobiota, produktkvalitet, samt innendørs management og beitesystemer.
Vi tilbyr forskningsbasert undervisning innen ernæring av drøvtyggere og hest, fysiologi, fôrproduksjon, beiteøkologi og beitebruk, mjølk- og kjøttproduksjon, produksjonssykdommer og reindrift.
Faggruppen har tilgang til og bruker topp moderne forskningsinfrastruktur for å utføre fremtidsrettet forskning og undervisning. Den viktigste forskningsinfrastrukturen for gruppen er Stoffskifteavdelingen hvor vi utfører grunnleggende in vivo-, in vitro- og in saccoforsøk. Senter for husdyrforsøk og Senter for fôrteknologi leverer infrastruktur for henholdsvis produksjonsforsøk med drøvtyggere og for produksjon av spesifikke kraftfôrtyper til forsøk. Kjemiske analyser utføres ved LabTek
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- INRA -French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
- Agroscope
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada AAFC
- Aarhus University
- University of Copenhagen
- University of British Columbia
- Scotland's Rural College (SRUC)
- Washington State University
- SLU - Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
- Nibio
- Nofima
- Veterinærinstituttet
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner 2023
Metabolic influence of core ciliates within the rumen microbiome
Andersen, Thea Os; Altshuler, Ianina; Vera-Ponce de León, Arturo; Walter, Juline Marta; McGovern, Emily; Keogh, Kate; Martin, Cécile; Bernard, Laurence; Morgavi, Diego P.; Park, Tansol; Li, Zongjun; Jiang, Yu; Firkins, Jeffrey L.; Yu, Zhongtang; Hvidsten, Torgeir Rhodén; Waters, Sinead M.; Popova, Milka; Arntzen, Magnus Øverlie; Hagen, Live Heldal; Pope, Phillip. The ISME Journal 2023
Prediction of enteric methane emissions by sheep using an intercontinental database.
Belanche, A., Hristov, A. N., van Lingen, H. J., Denman, S. E., Kebreab, E., Schwarm, A., Kreuzer, M., Niu, M., Eugène, M., Niderkorn, V., Martin, C., Archimède, H., McGee, M., Reynolds, C. K., Crompton, L. A., Bayat, A. R., Yu, Z., Bannink, A., Dijkstra, J., … Yáñez-Ruiz, D. R. (2023). Journal of Cleaner Production, 384, 135523. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.135523
Long-Read Metagenomics and CAZyme Discovery
Ferrillo, Alessandra; Kobel, Carl Mathias; Vera-Ponce de León, Arturo; Leanti La Rosa, Sabina; Kunath, Benoit Josef; Pope, Phillip; Hagen, Live Heldal. Methods in molecular biology 2023 ;Volum 2657. s. 253-284 DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-3151-5_19
Nutritional Approaches to Reduce Enteric Methane Emission from Ruminants
Lind, Vibeke; Schwarm, Angela Dagmar; Mele, Marcello; Cappucci, Alice; Foggi, Giulia; Sizmaz, Özge; Tsiplakou, Eleni; Atzori, Alberto Stanislao; Van Mullem, Joni; Peiren, Nico. I: Technology for Environmentally Friendly Livestock Production. Springer 2023 ISBN 978-3-031-19730-7. s. 65-98 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-19730-7_4
Inclusion of Red Macroalgae (Asparagopsis taxiformis) in Dairy Cow Diets Modulates Feed Intake, Chewing Activity and Estimated Saliva Secretion
Nyløy, Emma; Prestløkken, Egil; Eknæs, Margrete; Eikanger, Katrine Sømliøy; Hagen, Live Heldal; Kidane, Alemayehu. Animals 2023 ;Volum 13.
Effect of dietary krill oil supplementation on horse red blood cell membrane fatty acid composition and blood parameters.
Nyquist, Nicole Frost; Burri, Lena; Jensen, Rasmus Bovbjerg. Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition 2023
Different protein sources in concentrate feed for dairy cows affect cheese-making properties and yield
Olsen M.A., S. Ferneborg, S.G. Vhile, A. Kidane, S.B. Skeie. Journal of Dairy Science
The effect of harvest time of forage on carbohydrate digestion in horses quantified by in vitro and mobile bag techniques
Stang, Frida Lindskov; Bjerregaard, Rikke; Müller, Cecilia Elisabeth; Ergon, Åshild Gunilla; Halling, Magnus; Thorringer, Nana Wentzel; Kidane, Alemayehu; Jensen, Rasmus Bovbjerg. Journal of Animal Science 2023 ;Volum 101 DOI: 10.1093/jas/skac422
Effect of grassland cutting frequency, species mixture, wilting and fermentation pattern of grass silages on in vitro methane yield
Weiby, Kim Viggo Paulsen; Krizsan, Sophie Julie; Dønnem, Ingjerd; Østrem, Liv; Eknæs, Margrete; Steinshamn, Håvard. Scientific Reports 2023 ;Volum 13.(1)
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner 2022
Methane inhibition by Asparagopsis taxiformis with rumen fluid collected from ventral and central location– a pilot study
Alvarez C, Andersen TO, Eikanger KS, Hamfjord IW, Niu P, Weiby KV, Årvik L, Dörsch P, Hagen LH, Pope PB, Forberg DK, Hustoft HK, Schwarm A*, Kidane A (2022). Acta Agric Scand A,
High-digestible silages allow low concentrate supply without affecting milk production or methane emission
Álvarez, C., Nielsen, N.I., Weisbjerg, M.R., Volden. H., Eknæs, M. & Prestløkken, E. (2022). Journal of Dairy Science 105:3633–3647.
Full adoption of the most effective strategies to mitigate methane emissions by ruminants can help the 1.5°C target by 2030 but not 2050
Arndt C, Hristov AN, Price WJ, McClelland SC, Pelaez AM, Cueva SF, Oh J, Dijkstra J, Bannink A, Bayat AR, Crompton LA, Eugene MA, Enahoro D, Kebreab E, Kreuzer M, McGee M, Martin C, Newbold CJ, Reynolds CK, Schwarm A, Shingfield KJ, Veneman JB, Yanez-Ruiz DR, Yu Z (2022) , PNAS, 119: e2111294119,
Feeding of palm oil fatty acids or rapeseed oil throughout lactation: Effects on mammary gene expression and milk production in Norwegian dairy goats
Bernard, L., Chilliard, Y., Hove, K., Volden, H., Inglingstad, R.A., Eknæs M. (2022). Journal of Dairy Science 105, 8792-8805.
Prediction of nitrogen excretion from data on dairy cows fed a wide range of diets compiled in an intercontinental database: A meta-analysis
Bougouin A, A. Hristov, J. Dijkstra, M.J. Aguerre, S. Ahvenjärvi, C. Arndt, A. Bannink, A.R. Bayat, C. Benchaar, T. Boland, W.E. Brown, L.A. Crompton, F. Dehareng, I. Dufrasne, M. Eugène, E. Froidmont, S. van Gastelen, P.C. Garnsworthy, A. Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, S. Herremans, P. Huhtanen, M. Johansen, A. Kidane, M. Kreuzer, B. Kuhla, F. Lessire, P. Lund, E.M.K. Minnée, C. Muñoz, M. Niu, P. Nozière, D. Pacheco, E. Prestløkken, C.K. Reynolds, A. Schwarm, J.W. Spek, M. Terranova, A. Vanhatalo, M.A. Wattiaux, M.R. Weisbjerg, D.R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Z. Yu and E. Kebreab (2022). Journal of Dairy Science.
Seaweed Inclusion in Finishing Lamb Diet Promotes Changes in Micronutrient Content and Flavour-Related Compounds of Raw Meat and Dry-Cured Leg (Fenalår)
Grabež V , Elena Coll-Brasas, Elena Fulladosa, Elin Hallenstvedt,Torunn Thauland Håseth, Margareth Øverland, Per Berg, Alemayehu Kidane and Bjørg Egelandsdal (2022). Foods, 11(7), 1043;
Nutrient-Optimized Beef Enhances Blood Levels of Vitamin D and Selenium among Young Women
Haug, A., Vermeer, C., Ruud, L., Monfort-Pires, M., Grabež, V., Egelandsdal, B. (2022). Foods 11, 631.
Nitrous oxide respiring bacteria in biogas digestates for reduced agricultural emissions
Jonassen K.R., L.H. Hagen, S.H.W. Vick, M.Ø. Arntzen, Vincent G. H. Eijsink, Å. Frostegård, P. Lycus, L. Molstad, P.B. Pope, L.R. Bakken (2022). ISME J. 16; 580-590.
Effects of the density of extruded pellets on starch digestion kinetics, rumen fermentation, fiber digestibility and enteric methane production in dairy cows
Khan, G. Q., Prestløkken, E., Lund, P., Hellwing, A. L. F., & Larsen, M. (2022). Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 1– 14.
Cyberlindnera jadinii yeast as a protein source in early- to mid-lactation dairy cow diets: Effects on feed intake, ruminal fermentation, and milk production
Kidane A, Stine Gregersen Vhile, Sabine Ferneborg, Siv Skeie, Martine Andrea Olsen, Liv Torunn Mydland, Margareth Øverland and Egil Prestløkken (2022). Journal of Dairy Science. 105: 2343-2353.
Glycan processing in gut microbiomes
La Rosa S.L., M.P. Ostrowski, A.V.P. de Leon, L.S. McKee, J. Larsbrink, V.G. H. Eijsink, E.C. Lowe, E.C. Martens, P.B. Pope (2022). Current Opinions in Microbiology.
Integrating heterogenous across-country data for proxy-based random forest prediction of enteric methane in dairy cattle
Negussie E, González-Recio O, Battagin M, Bayat A-R, Boland T, de Haas Y, Garcia-Rodriguez A, Garnsworthy PC, Gengler N, Kreuzer M, Kuhla B, Lassen J, Peiren N, Pszczola M, Schwarm A, Soyeurt H, Vanlierde A, Yan T, Biscarini F (2022) J Dairy Sci, 105:5124-5140,
Mechanistic insights into consumption of the food additive xanthan gum by the human gut microbiota
Ostrowski M.P., S.L. La Rosa, B.J. Kunath, A. Robertson, G. Pereira, L.H. Hagen, N. Varghese, T. Yao, G. Flint, S. McDonald, D. Buttner, N.A. Pudlo, M.K. Schnizlein, V.B. Young, H. Brumer, T. Schmidt, N. Terrapon, V. Lombard, B. Henrissat, B. Hamaker, E.A Eloe-Fadrosh, A. Tripathi, ^P.B. Pope, ^E.C. Martens (2022). Nature Microbiology. 7; 556-569.
Concepts and Consequences of a Core Gut Microbiota for Animal Growth and Development. * equal contributions
Prelman D., M. Martinez-Alvaro, S. Morais, I. Altshuler, L.H. Hagen, E. Jami, R. Roehe, *P.B. Pope, *I. Mizrahi (2022). Annu. Rev. Anim. Biosci.
No size-dependent net particle retention in the hindgut of horses
Schwarm A, Clauss M, Ortmann S, Jensen RB (2022) J Anim Physiol Anim Nutr, 106: 1356-1363,
Mobile bag technique for estimation of nutrient digestibility when hay is supplemented with alternative fibrous feedstuffs in horses
Thorringer, N.W., Weisbjerg, M.R., and R.B. Jensen. 2022. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 283, 115168.
Associations among nutrient concentration, silage fermentation products, in vivo organic matter digestibility, rumen fermentation and in vitro methane yield in 78 grass silages
Weiby, K. V., Krizsan, S. J., Eknæs, M., Schwarm, A., Whist, A. C., Schei, I., Steinshamn, H., Lund, P., Beauchemin, K.A. & Dønnem, I. (2022). Animal Feed Science and Technology, 115249.
Integrated multi-omics of the gastrointestinal microbiome and ruminant host reveals metabolic adaptation underlying early life development
Yan X, Si H, Zhu Y, Li S, Han Y, Liu H, Du R, Pope PB, Qiu Q, Li Z. (2022). Dec 12;10(1):222. Microbiome doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01396-8.
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner 2021
A static model for estimating energy content of compound feeds in a dynamic feed evaluation system
Alvarez Flores, M.C., Nielsen, N.I., Weisbjerg, M.R., Volden, H. & Prestløkken, E. 2021. Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 104(7): 9362-9375.
The preference for water nipples vs. water bowls in pregnant ewes
Bøe, K.E., Dønnem, I., Løkken, C.B. & Kischel, S.G. 2021. - Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica. Section A, Animal science 70(2): 107-112.
Influence of operational sex ratio and male age on mating competition intensity in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
Driscoll, J.G., Alo, F.M., Paoli, A., Weladji, R.B., Holand, Ø., Kumpula, J. & Soveri, T. (Online first 2021- Ethology Ecology & Evolution (Testo stampato) , 15 pp.
Biochemical characterization of two cellobiose 2-epimerases and application for efficient production of lactulose and epilactose
Jameson, J.-K., Mathiesen, G., Pope, P., Westereng, B. & Leanti La Rosa, S. (Online first 2021) Biochemical characterization of two cellobiose 2-epimerases and application for efficient production of lactulose and epilactose. - Current Research in Biotechnology.
Investigating cow-calf contact in cow-driven systems: Behaviour of the dairy cow and calf
Johnsen, J.F., Johanssen, J.R.E., Aaby, A.V., Kischel, S.G., Ruud, L.E., Soki-Makilutila, A., Kristiansen, T.B., Wibe, A.G., Bøe, K.E. & Ferneborg, S. 2021. - Journal of Dairy Research 88(1): 52-55.
Investigating cow−calf contact in a cow-driven system: performance of cow and calf
Johnsen, J.F., Kischel, S.G., Rognskog, M.S., Vagle, I., Johanssen, J.R.E., Ruud, L.E. & Ferneborg, S. 2021. - Journal of Dairy Research 88(1): 56-59.
Nitrous oxide respiring bacteria in biogas digestates for reduced agricultural emissions
Jonassen, K.R., Hagen, L.H., Vick, S., Arntzen, M.Ø., Eijsink, V., Frostegård, Å., Lycus, P.M., Molstad, L., Pope, P. & Bakken, L. 2021. - The ISME Journal 16: 580-590.
Potential applications of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
Lindeberg, H., Nikitkina, E., Nagy, S., Musidray, A., Shiryaev, G., Kumpula, J. & Holand, Ø. 2021. . - Animal Reproduction Science 235: 106890, 10 pp.
Effects of achromatic and chromatic lights on pupillary response, endocrinology, activity, and milk production in dairy cows
Lindkvist, S., Ternman, E., Ferneborg, S., Bånkestad, D., Lindqvist, J., Ekesten, B. & Agenäs, S. 2021. - PLOS ONE 16(7): e0253776, 18 pp.
Human Gut Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Deploys a Highly Efficient Conserved System To Cross-Feed on β-Mannan-Derived Oligosaccharides
Lindstad, L.J., Lo, G., Leivers, S.A., Lu, Z., Michalak, L., Pereira, G., Kjendseth, Å.R., Martens, E.C., McKee, L., Louis, P., Duncan, S., Westereng, B., Pope, P. & Leanti La Rosa, S. (Online first 2021) - mBio 12(3): e03628-20, 18 pp.
Polysaccharide degradation by the Bacteroidetes: mechanisms and nomenclature
McKee, L.S., Leanti La Rosa, S., Westereng, B., Eijsink, V., Pope, P. & Larsbrink, J. 2021. - Environmental Microbiology Reports 13(5): 559-581.
Reproduction of male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus)
Nagy, S., Lindeberg, H., Nikitkina, E., Krutikova, A., Smith, E., Kumpula, J. & Holand, Ø. 2021. Reproduction of male reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). - Animal Reproduction Science 227: 106722, 8 pp.
A basic model to predict enteric methane emission from dairy cows and its application to update operational models for the national inventory in Norway
Niu, P., Schwarm, A.D., Bonesmo, H., Kidane, A., Åby, B.A., Storlien, T.M., Kreuzer, M., Alvarez Flores, M.C., Sommerseth, J.K. & Prestløkken, E. (Online first 2021) - Animals 11(7): 18911-18. concentrates with different protein sources to high-yielding, mid-lactation Norwegian Red cows: Effect on cheese ripening
Olsen, M.A., Vhile, S.G., Porcellato, D., Kidane, A. & Skeie, S.B. 2021. - Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) 104(4): 4062-4073.
Concepts and Consequences of a Core Gut Microbiota for Animal Growth and Development
Perlman, D., Martinez-Alvaro, M., Morais, S., Altshuler, I., Hagen, L.H., Jami, E., Roehe, R., Pope, P. & Mizrahi, I. 2022. - Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 10: 177-201.
Exploring Dry-Film FTIR Spectroscopy to Characterize Milk Composition and Subclinical Ketosis throughout a Cow’s Lactation
Rachah, A., Reksen, O., Tafintseva, V., Stehr, F.J.M., Rukke, E.-O., Prestløkken, E., Martin, A.D., Kohler, A. & Afseth, N.K. 2021. - Foods 10(9): 2033, 18 pp.
Bunkers or round bales: Losses and silage quality with or without acid treatment of low dry matter grass crops
Randby, Å.T. & Bakken, A.K. 2021. - Animal Feed Science and Technology 275: 114868, 16 pp.
Effect of acid based additive treatment of low dry matter grass crops on losses and silage quality in bunker silos
Randby, Å.T. & Bakken, A.K. 2021. - Animal Feed Science and Technology 275: 114869, 14 pp.
Fatty acid profile and intramuscular fat concentration of Musculus longissimus thoracis in bulls fed grass silage harvested at one of three maturity stages, either with or without concentrate supplementation
Randby, Å.T., Aass, L. & Haug, A. 2021. - Acta agriculturæ Scandinavica. Section A, Animal science 70(2): 78-90.
Historical and social–cultural processes as drivers for genetic structure in Nordic domestic reindeer
Røed, K., Kvie, K., Bårdsen, B.-J., Laaksonen, S., Lohi, H., Kumpula, J., Aronsson, K.-Å., Åhman, B., Våge, J. & Holand, Ø. 2021. - Ecology and Evolution 11(13): 8910-8922.
Transkingdom network analysis provides insight into host-microbiome interactions in Atlantic salmon
Strand, M.A., Jin, Y., Sandve, S.R., Pope, P. & Hvidsten, T.R. 2021. . - Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 19: 1028-1034.
Increasing the proportion of hazel leaves in the diet of dairy cows reduced methane yield and excretion of nitrogen in volatile form, but not milk yield
Terranova, M., Eggerschwiler, L., Ortmann, S., Clauss, M., Kreuzer, M. & Schwarm, A.D. 2021. - Animal Feed Science and Technology 276: 114790, 0 pp.
Methodical considerations when estimating nutrient digestibility in horses using the mobile bag technique
Thorringer, N.W. & Jensen, R.B. (Online first 2021) - Animal 15(1): 100050, 8 pp.
The Metaproteomics Initiative: a coordinated approach for propelling the functional characterization of microbiomes
Van Den Bossche, T., Arntzen, M.Ø., Becher, D., Benndorf, D., Eijsink, V., Henry, C., Jagtap, P.D., Jehmlich, N., Juste, C., Kunath, B.J., Mesuere, B., Muth, T., Pope, P., Seifert, J., Tanca, A., Uzzau, S., Wilmes, P., Hettich, R. & Armengaud, J. (Online first 2021) - Microbiome 9: 243, 4 pp.
An integrated gene catalog and over 10,000 metagenome-assembled genomes from the gastrointestinal microbiome of ruminants
Xie, F., Jin, W., Si, H., Yuan, Y., Tao, Y., Liu, J., Wang, X., Yang, C., Li, Q., Yan, X., Lin, L., Jiang, Q., Zhang, L., Guo, C., Greening, C., Heller, R., Guan, L.L., Pope, P., Tan, Z., Zhu, W., Wang, M., Qiu, Q., Li, Z. & Mao, S. 2021. - Microbiome 9: 137, 20 pp.
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