Wuddasie Dereje Bekeles avhandling undersøker effekten av finansiell inkludering i Etiopia, en avgjørende del for et lands økonomi. Forskere, politikere og andre interessenter har en økende interesse for finansiell inkludering, og flere land har innlemmet det i sine nasjonale strategier.
The study, titled "Financial Inclusion: Trends, Determinants, and Contributions," examined the level, dynamic, spatial trend, determinants, and the impact of financial inclusion in Ethiopia. Bekele found that financial inclusion in Ethiopia is low and varies among regions. Compared to Kenya, Ethiopia's financial inclusion lags behind. "The lack of documentation, trust, and money were found to be the main barriers to financial inclusion," said Bekele. "Gender, age, education, employment, and ownership of mobile phones positively influenced financial inclusion."
Bekele’s research also investigated the contribution of financial inclusion to climate resilience and tax administration improvement. Financial inclusion had a significant role in building climate resilience among farming households and in improving the tax administration and compliance of taxpayers in Ethiopia.
Despite these positive contributions, there are barriers to the expansion of financial services that hinder the financial inclusion of the society. The study highlights the importance of improving financial inclusion to boost its contribution to the Ethiopian economy.
The study offers policy recommendations that could help overcome barriers to financial inclusion and lays the ground for future research areas. It will provide valuable insights for policy makers, researchers, and stakeholders interested in financial inclusion and its impact on economic development.