25 June - PhD Defence Kari Olli Helgesen (MatInf)

Av Kari Elise Moxnes

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Kari Olli Helgesen, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology, will defend her PhD thesis: "Monitoring of drug resistance and resistance development mechanisms in salmon lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis)", on 25 June 2015.

Norwegian title of thesis:

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"Treatment practices for parasite control, and managing therapy resistance in large-scale animal farming. How can lessons learned be implemented in aquaculture?"

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
Thursday 25 June at 09:15
Festsalen, 3rd floor, Main Building, Campus Adamstuen, Ullevålsveien 72, Oslo

Professor Tor Einar Horsberg, NMBU, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology (Main supervisor)
Dr. Kiranpreet Kaur, NMBU, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology (Co-supervisor)
Professor Henning Sørum, NMBU, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology (Co-supervisor)

Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Senior Lecturer Armin Sturn, University of Stirling, UK
Second opponent: Dr. Karin Kroon Boxaspen, Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Coordinator: Researcher Dr. Paul Midtlyng, NMBU, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology

Chair of Disputation:
Head of Department – Anne Storset, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library, Campus Adamstuen.

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