3 Jun - Giorgia Carnovale (KBM)

Av Siri Eikrem Skotland

PhD degree – Public Defence
Giorgia Carnovale, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend her PhD thesis “Tailoring microalgal biomass for food  applications: fermented beverage as a case study”, on 3 June 2022. 

Norwegian title of thesis: 
Optimalisering av mikroalgebiomasse for anvendelser i mat: fermentert drikke som en eksempelstudie 

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture: 
Medical applications of microalgae – production of compounds with pharmaceutical potential 

Time and place for the trial lecture:  
Wednesday 25th May 2022, at 13:15 in the Library, Biotechnology building (Biblioteket BTB) 

Evaluation committee-trial lecture: 
First opponent: Associate Professor Åsmund Røhr Kjendseth 
Second opponent: Associate Professor Hilde Marit Østlie 
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Bjørge Westereng 

Time and place for the public defence: 
Friday 3rd June 2022, at 12.15. The defence will be held in the Library, Biotechnology building (Biblioteket BTB) 

Evaluation committee: 
First opponent: Professor Yagut Allahverdiyeva-Rinne, Department om Life Technologies, University of Turku, Finland 
Second opponent: Professor Kjell Inge Reitan, Department of Biology, NTNU, Norway 
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Bjørge Westereng, NMBU 

Main supervisor: Professor Svein Jarle Horn 
Co-supervisor: Professor Trude Wicklund 
Co-supervisor: Dr. Kari Skjånes 
Co-supervisor: Dr. Maria Barbosa 
The doctoral thesis is available for public review.  
For those of you who wants access to this please send an email to: phd-kbm@nmbu.no  

Thesis number 2022:1, ISSN 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-1894-3 


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