27 Apr - Augustino Alfred Chengula (VET)

Av Oliver Xingwen Li

PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public Defense
Augustino Alfred Chengula, Department of Paraclinical Sciences (ParaFag), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend his PhD thesis "Tilapia Lake Virus (TiLV) – development of PCR-based diagnostic assays and insights into infection mechanisms" on 27 April 2021.

Norwegian title of thesis
"Tilapia lake virus (TiLV) – utvikling av PCR-baserte diagnostiske metoder og studier av infeksjonsmekanismer"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
“Impact of climate change on viral diseases in fish - future perspectives in the era of sustainable aquaculture”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defense

27 April 2021 (Oslo time)
- 1230hrs: Trial lecture
- 1315hrs: Break
- 1345hrs: Public defense

Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/63704854612?pwd=SW42V2tOcHdlY0o5OStQNFk3WUY4UT09 

Evaluation committee
- First opponent: Professor Frederick Kibenge, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada
- Second opponent: Professor Neeraj Sood, National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, India
- Committee coordinator: Professor Lucy Robertson, NMBU, Norway

- Main supervisor: Professor Øystein Evensen, NMBU
- Co-supervisor: Dr. Hetron Mweemba Munang’andu, NMBU
- Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Christopher Jacob Kasanga, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
- Co-supervisor: Professor Robinson Hammerthon Mdegela, Sokoine University of Agruculture, Morogoro, Tanzania
- Co-supervisor: Associate Professor Stephen Mutoloki, NMBU

Digital public defense
Due to restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, this public defense will be held digitally. The public is may attend the trial lecture and/or public defense via Zoom.

Guidelines for attending the defense via Zoom
- Do not use your camera.
- If anyone wishes to oppose Ex Auditorio, please ask your question in the chat before the 1st opponent ends his or her opposition.
- Testing of your own equipment is advised before attending.

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to: forskerutdanning@nmbu.no.
Thesis number 2021: 30; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-1801-1

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