16 Feb - Ricarda Kellermann (KBM)

Av Siri Eikrem Skotland

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Ricarda Kellermann, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend her PhD thesis “Managing the shift to anoxia: Regulatory phenomena in denitrifying bacteria, sources and sinks of N2O, on 16th February 2023.

Norwegian title of thesis
Overgang til anoksi: Regulatoriske fenomener i denitrifiserende bakterier; kilder og sluk for N2O 

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture (Approved): 
Microbes as drivers and mitigators of greenhouse gas emissions: Current knowledge and biotechnological prospects.
The trial lecture was held on 21th Januar 2023, at 10:00. 

Evaluation committee - trial lecture: 
First opponent: Sabina Leanti La Rosa, Associate professor, NMBU 
Second opponent: Geir Mathiesen, Research Professor, NMBU 
Committee coordinator: Daniel Straume, Associate professor, NMBU 

Time and place for the public defence: 
Thursday 16th February 2023, at 12.15 in BT1A.05 Biblioteket, Biotechnology building, NMBU

Evaluation committee: 
First opponent: Associate professor Gary Rowley, School of Biological Sciences, University of East Anglia
Second opponent: Associate professor Beate Kraft, Department of Biology, University of Southern Denmark
Committee coordinator: Associate professor Daniel Straume, NMBU

Main supervisor: Accociate professor Linda Liberg Bergaust , NMBU

Accociate professor, Morten Kjos, NMBU
Researcher Pawel Michal Lycus, NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review.  
For those of you who wants access to this please send an email to: phd-kbm@nmbu.no  

Thesis number 2023:20  ISSN 1894-6402  ISBN 978-82-575-2050-2 


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