PhD degree – Public Defence
Dimitrios Papoutsis, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend his PhD thesis “Impact of dietary components
and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the colon and its microbiota in a low-grade inflammation mouse model”, on 11 November 2022.
Norwegian title of thesis:
Betydning av kostholdsfaktorer og reaktive oksygenforbindelser (ROS) for tarmen og dens mikrobiota i en musemodell med lavgrads inflammasjon
Title of the trial lecture:
"The impact of common food additives on the human gut microbiota and colonic health"
Time and place for the public defence:
Friday 11th November 2022, at 12.15 in Gullvepsen Auditorium, Bikuben, NMBU.
Evaluation committee:
First opponent: Associate professor Benoit Chassaing, Cochin institute, Paris, France
Second opponent: Associate Professor Vibeke Telle-Hansen, OsloMet, Norway
Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Sabina Leanti La Rosa, NMBU, Norway
Main supervisor: Professor Harald Carlsen, NMBU
Co-Supervisors: Associate Professor Siv Kjølsrud Bøhn, NMBU
The doctoral thesis is available for public review.
For those of you who wants access to this please send an email to:
Thesis number: 2022:58; ISSN: 1894-6402; ISBN: 978-82-575-2007-6