Full time
International Environment and Development Studies

A unique combination of social science and natural science approaches to the study of international environment and development issues, including an introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods.

Application deadline:

April 15th
International applicants:
December 1st

Start of Studies:


Number of students:



Higher Education Entrance Qualification + documented proficiency in English

Look here for information on how to document your proficiency in English

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification

A great deal of attention is given to social justice, environmental sustainability, ecological and social resilience, political ecology, natural resource management, resource conflicts, development policies and politics, the effects of planned development interventions, and gender and development issues.

The program consists of compulsory and elective courses. These can be chosen among a variety of courses at NMBU or other universities in Norway or abroad. We recommend that you spend one semester abroad on exchange, and we encourage you to participate in our one-month field course (currently in Tanzania and India).

The degree is conducted in English.

More about the admission requirements and process.

Career opportunities

Graduates may find employment in a wide range of national and international institutions, including government agencies and non-governmental development organizations. The program provides a sound basis for further studies within: Development studies Environmental studies International relations Resources management or ecology.

Finding solutions for sustainable waste management


Read our interview with former student Marte Vestvik


  • A candidate who has completed his or her qualification should have the following learning outcomes defined in terms of knowledge, skills and general competence:


    ▪ Good knowledge of international environment and development issues and their interlinkages.

    ▪ Knowledge of basic social science concepts common to disciplines spanning sociology, political economy and anthropology.

    ▪ Knowledge of development theory, the history of development, and the roots and theory of sustainable development.

    ▪ Basic knowledge of perspectives in political economy as well as neoclassical economics.

    ▪ Knowledge of theory, concepts, approaches and themes central to gender and development, with emphasis on the relevance of gender to development and environment issues, both in theory and in practice.

    ▪ Basic knowledge of ecology and the environmental sciences.

    ▪ Knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of different qualitative and quantitative methods of sampling, data collection, and analysis, as well as methodological issues related to interdisciplinarity.

    ▪ Knowledge of ethical considerations and challenges related to research involving human beings and society.


    ▪ Ability to write academic texts and build logical literary argumentation.

    ▪ Ability to find, review and cite relevant literature in own papers and reports.

    ▪ Ability to design and carry out a basic qualitative and quantitative study, selecting suitable methods and justifying choices made.

    ▪ Ability to critically reflect on ethical and quality issues related to own and others' studies and research.

    General competence

    ▪ Broad understanding of the interconnectedness of the social and natural sciences.

    ▪ Ability to seek new knowledge and acquire new skills relevant to meet local and global environment and development challenges.

    ▪ Ability to think critically and analytically, and to make well-founded assessments of local and global environment and development challenges.

    ▪ Ability to work in a focused and independent manner, and to communicate knowledge, analyses and results in a convincing manner, both orally and in writing.

  • Students may enter an exchange scheme at one of NMBU's partner institutions in the 5th semester.
  • The programme consists of mandatory and elective courses. The mandatory courses constitute 115 ECTS and make up the two first years of the programme. A progression from introductory to more advanced courses within the interdisciplinary field of international environment and development studies provides the specialization of the programme. Students will also be introduced to philosophy, ecology, scientific writing, and research methods. The third year is set aside for elective courses, either at the department, at other departments, or with other universities. A minimum of 45 ECTS from the elective courses must be on the  200-level or above. Some options for field courses will be provided and in the fifth semester exchange to partner universities abroad will be possible.

    • Humanity is faced with challenges of increasing scale and complexity, including climate change, global inequality and poverty. The University, Research, and Higher Education sectors in Norway have determined that the guiding principles, directions and funding mechanisms for research and education will be aligned with a number of policy frameworks, all anchored first and foremost in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global agenda. The Bachelor’s degree in International Environment and Development Studies has a unique interdisciplinary and international focus that bridges environmental and social sciences and equips students with knowledge and skills to address global challenges.
    • The programme utilises a wide range of teaching methods. Because working with environment and development often involves adapting knowledge to new situations, many courses use case-oriented teaching and group work. This ensures that students take an active interest in their own learning. Teaching methods vary between courses and include lectures, seminar activities, assignments, presentations and discussions. Field exercises and practical experience is also part of the programme through elective field courses.
    • The courses offered utilise a wide range of forms of evaluation such as written sit-in exams, take-home exams, oral exams and term papers. These evaluate the student’s skills in academic reading and writing, as well as analytical skills, in different ways.
    • All students should have access to their own laptop computer for use in learning and assessment, cf. regulation of 21 December 2018 no. 2221 on self-payment at universities and colleges § 3-3 third paragraph.
    • Noragric can offer individually tailored packages for students from our partner universities. All courses at the department are offered in English.

Study advisor(s):

Jørn Kongsten Brevik

Jørn Kongsten Brevik

Senior Advisor