AOS120 Markedsføring


Ansvarlig fakultet:Handelshøyskolen

Emneansvarlig:Thore Larsgård

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk, norsk


Forventet arbeidsmengde:125 hours

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:This course starts in spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in spring parallel.

Om dette emnet

Dette emnet blir kun gitt på engelsk, og da er teksten i emnebeskrivelsen i hovedsak på engelsk.

The course covers basic concepts and theories in marketing, with an emphasis on the consumer market.

  • Marketing, marketing management and marketing planning
  • Marketing Plan, segmentation, relationships, product concept
  • Price, marketing communications and marketing network
  • Brands, brand architecture, brand communication and brand management
  • The purchasing process, consumer attitudes and buying behavior in businesses
  • Factors affecting the business, market knowledge

Dette lærer du

Knowledge: The student has a basic understanding of the marketing process, familiarity with key concepts, theories and methods of marketing, and are familiar with examples of marketing in some firms.

Skills: The student can find, assess and refer to information relevant to marketing and present this so that it sheds light on basic issues in marketing. The student can participate in the solution of simple marketing challenges in practice.

General competence: The student can apply marketing knowledge and skills individually and in cooperation with others, and is able to reflect and think critically about basic marketing issues.

  • On campus lectures. Semester project in groups. Self study.
  • Textbook information will be available prior to the start of the semester.

    Lecture notes. Additional reading material may be distributed.

  • 3 hours final written on-campus exam which counts 100% of the grade.

    Skriftlig skoleeksamen Karakterregel: Bokstavkarakterer Hjelpemiddel: A1 Ingen kalkulator, ingen andre hjelpemidler
  • An external examiner will assess the curriculum and the exam. Grades will be set by the internal examiner or an external examiner.
  • Participation in and submission of the semester project is mandatory.
  • Lectures and seminars minimum 26 hours
  • 5 studiepoeng overlapp mot AOS120F og AOS121-B.
  • Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)