Ola Westengen

Ola Westengen


  • Institutt for internasjonale miljø- og utviklingsstudier, Noragric

Ola Westengen is an Associate Professor at Noragric. He does research on agrobiodiversity; conservation and use of genetic resources; seed supply systems; food security and adaptation to climate change; crop evolution and crop diversity as biocultural heritage. Westengen leads the research projects ACCESS and BOLD (links under the Research and project tab below) and co-leads the NMBU Sustainability Arena on Sustainable Food Systems. He is a member of the program comitte for the master program in International Environment Studies and the PhD program in International Environmenat and Development Studies. Ola teaches in EDS306 Foundations of Sustainability Science, EDS352 Agroecology and Development and several other courses at NMBU. Previous to joining Noragric, Westengen worked in the Food and Agricultue Organization of the UN (FAO) and served as the first Coordinator of Operations and Management of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault from 2008-2015.