Laila Aass

Laila Aass


  • Avl, genetikk og matproduksjonssystemer

Faglig bakgrunn: UiO (Ex.phil. matematikk og fysikk), agronom, Cand.agric.  Norges Landbrukshøgskole 1988 (NLH, nå NMBU), Dr. Scient ved Institutt for husdyrfag (NLH 1997) i husdyravl og kvantitativ genetikk med fokus på kjøttproduksjonsegenskaper (slaktekvalitet og spisekvalitet), statistikk og matematikk. Beregning av genetiske parametere, raseforskjeller. Arbeidsområdet har omfattet muskelfysiologi, kjøttteknologi, dyrs vekst og utvikling og biokjemi knyttet til muskler og bindevev. Flere storferaser og svin. Omfattende FoU arbeid med teknologi for måling av kjøttkvalitet (intramuskulært fett og mørhet) for bruk i storfeavl, hhv. ultralyd på levende dyr og NIR-spektroskopi i kjøtt (muskel). Multivariate analyser og utvikling av prediksjonslikninger. Avlsmålsegenskaper og beregning av økonomiske vekter i avlsarbeidet med kjøttfe. Genotype-miljøsamspill. Siden 2014 økt fokus på tverrfaglige prosjekter med helse-, økonomi-, fôring og husdyravl for økt effektivitet i ammekuproduksjonen, samt simuleringer og modellering av produksjonssystemer i bærekraftperspektiv, inkludert produksjonsnivåer og arealbruk i husdyrproduksjonene. Potensial for reduksjon av klimagasser fra drøvtyggere gjennom husdyravl. Utvikling av gårdsmodeller for klimagassutslipp. Undervisning på 100-200 og 300 nivå, bachelor, master og PhD studenter. Div. administrative verv ved instituttet. Faglig medlem fra NMBU/BIOVIT i utvalget (ledet av LMD) som skal følge opp Klimaavtalen mellom Regjeringen og jordbruket i perioden 2020-2022.

Professional background: University of Oslo (Ex.Phil, mathematics, physics), agronomist, Cand.agric NLH 1988 (now NMBU), Dr. Scient at Dept. of Animal Science (NLH 1997) in Animal Breeding and Genetics with focus on carcass and meat quality in cattle, statistics and mathematics. Estimation of genetic parameters, breed differences. Muscle physiology, meat technology, animal growth and development, biochemistry related to muscles and connective tissue. Several cattle breeds and pigs. Substantial R&D work with technology for measurements of meat quality (intramuscular fat and tenderness) for use in cattle breeding programs, ultrasound in live cattle and NIR-spectroscopy in in muscle (meat). Multivariate analyses and prediction equations. Breeding goals in beef cattle and development of economic weights for use in beef cattle breeding programs. Genotype x environment interactions. Since increased focus on interdisciplinary projects including health, economy, nutrition and breeding options for increased production efficiency in suckler cow production. Simulations and modelling of production systems related to sustainability, including production levels and use of land resources in livestock production. GHG mitigation potential through animal breeding. Development of farm-scale models for GHG emissions. Teaching courses on 100-200 and 300 level, bachelor, master and PhD students. Member in several internal committees at the Dept. Professional member (appointed by NMBU/BIOVIT) of the committee (led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food) that will follow up the "Climate agreement" between the Government and the agricultural industry during the period 2020-2022.


  1. Aass, L., J. D. Gresham and G. Klemetsdal. Prediction of intramuscular fat by ultrasound in lean cattle. (2006) Livest. Sci. 101:228-241
  2. Jia, X., Hildrum, K.I., Westad, F., Kummen, E., Aass, L. And Hollung, K. Changes in enzymes associated with energy metabolism during the early post-mortem period in longissimus thoracis bovine muscle analyzed by proteomics (2006). J Proteome Res. 5: 1763-1769.
  3. Hollung K., E. Veiseth, T. Frøystein, L. Aass, Ø. Langsrud and K.I. Hildrum. Variation in the response to manipulation of post mortem glycolysis in beef muscles by low-voltage electrical stimulation and conditioning temperature. (2007) Meat Science 77: 372-383.
  4. Jia X., M. Ekman, H. Grove, E. M. Færgestad, L. Aass, K. I. Hildrum and K. Hollung. Proteome changes in bovine longissimus thoracis muscle during the early post mortem storage period (2007). J Proteome Res 6: 2720-2731.
  5. Aass, L., Fristedt, C-G., and J.D. Gresham. Ultrasound prediction of intramuscular fat content in lean cattle.(2009) Livest. Sci. 125: 177-186.
  6. Jia X.,Veiseth-Kent E., Grove H., Kuziora P., Aass L., Hildrum K.I. and Hollung K. Peroxiredoxin-6 - A Potential Protein Marker for Meat Tenderness in Bovine M. Longissimus Thoracis Muscle. (2009) J Animal Sci. 87: 2391-2399.
  7. Gjerlaug-Enger, E., Aass, L., Ødegård, J. and O. Vangen. Genetic parameters of meat quality traits in two pig breeds measured by rapid methods. (2010). Animal, 4:11, 1832-1843
  8. Veiseth-Kent E., Hollung K., Ofstad R., Aass L. and Hildrum K. I. Relationship between muscle microstructure, the calpain system and shear force in bovine Longissimus dorsi. (2010) J Animal Sci 88(10):3445-51.
  9. Gjerlaug-Enger, E., Aass, L., Ødegård, J. and O. Vangen, 2011. Genetic parameters of fat quality in pigs measured by near-infrared spectroscopy. Animal, 5:11, 1495-1505
  10. E. Gjerlaug-Enger, J. Kongsro, L. Aass, J. Ødegård and O. Vangen, 2011. Prediction of fat quality in pig carcasses by near-infrared spectroscopy. Animal 5:11, 1829-1841
  11. E. Gjerlaug-Enger, J. Kongsro, J. Ødegård, L. Aass and O. Vangen, 2012.  Genetic parameters of slaughter pig efficency and growth rate of different body tissues estimated by computed tomography of live boars of Landrace and Duroc. (2011). Animal 6:1, 9-18
  12. Åby, B.A., L. Aass, E. Sehested and O. Vangen, 2012. A bio-economic model for calculating economic values of traits for intensive and extensive beef cattle breeds. Livest. Sci. 143:259-269
  13. Åby, B.A., L. Aass, E. Sehested, O. Vangen, 2012. Effects of changes in external production conditions on economic values of traits in Continental and British beef cattle breeds. Livest. Sci. 150:80-93
  14. Åby, B.A., L. Aass, E. Sehested, O. Vangen, 2013. Effect of incorporating greenhouse gas emission costs into economic values of traits for Continental and British beef cattle breeds. Livest. Sci. 158:1-11
  15. Åby, B.A., E. Sehested M. Holtsmark, L. Aass, & O. Vangen, 2013. Application of Aggregate Genotype in Beef Cattle Breeding. Acta Agric. Scand. Sec. A,
  16. Åby, B.A, J. Kantanen, L. Aass & T. Meuwissen, 2014. Review article. Current status of livestock production in the Nordic countries and future challenges with a changing climate and human population growth. Acta. Agric. Scand. Sec.A, Vol. 64, No. 2, 73-97
  17. Samsonstuen, S., B.A. Åby, P. Crosson, K. Beauchemin, H. Bonesmo and L. Aass, 2019. Farm scale modelling of greenhouse gas emissions from semi-intensive suckler cow beef production
    Agricultural Systems 176 (2019) 102670
  18. Åby, B.A., Å. Randby, H. Bonesmo and L. Aass, 2019. Impact of grass silage quality on greenhouse gas emissions from dairy and beef production. Grass and Forage Sci. 2019;00:1-10
  19. Samsonstuen, S., B.A. Åby, P. Crosson, K. Beauchemin, H. Bonesmo, M.S. Wetlesen and L. Aass, 2020. Variability in green house gas emission intensity of semi-intensive suckler cow beef production systems. Livestock Science 239 (2020) 104091
  20. Wetlesen, M. S., B.A. Åby, Vangen, O. and L. Aass, 2020. Suckler cow efficiency - breed by environment interaction in commercial herds under various natural production conditions. Acta Agric. Scand. Sec. A, Vol 68 (4), 161-173. 
  21. Wetlesen, M. S., B.A. Åby, Vangen, O. and L. Aass, 2020. Estimation of breed and heterosis effects for cow productivity, carcass traits and income in beef x beef and dairy x beef crosses in commercial suckler cow production. Acta Agric. Scand. Sec. A. DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2020.1746825
  22. Wetlesen, M. S., B.A. Åby, Vangen, O. and L. Aass, 2020. Simulations of feed intake, production output, and economic result within extensive and intensive suckler cow beef production systems. Livestock Science 241 (2020) 104229.
  23. Samsonstuen, S., B.A. Åby, P. Crosson, K. Beauchemin & L. Aass, 2020. Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from beef cattle production systems. Acta. Agric. Scand. Sect. A, 69:4, 220-232 DOI:10.1080/09064702.2020.1806349
  24. Randby, Å.T., L. Aass & A. Haug, 2021. Fatty acid profile and intramuscular fat concentration of Musculus longissimus thoracis in bulls fed grass silage harvested at one of three maturity stages, either with or without concentrate supplementation. Acta Agric. Scand. Sec. A — Animal Science, 70:2, 78-90, DOI: 10.1080/09064702.2021.1900381


  1. EAAP, 2016, Belfast. Aass, B.A. Åby & O.M. Harstad. The effect of increased production efficiency in beef production I: Cow population size. I. Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Wageningen Academic Publishers ISBN 978-90-8686-284-9, p 208
  2. EAAP, 2016, Belfast. Åby, B.A., Crosson, P., Aass, L. & O.M. Harstad. The effect of increased production efficiency in beef production II: Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Wageningen Academic Publishers 2016 ISBN 978-90-8686-284-9. p. 209
  3. Åby, B.A., Randby, Å.T., Aass, L. 2016. Impact of superior silage quality on greenhouse gas emissions. Hand-out at the International Fertiliser Society Agronomic Conference 8-9. dec 2016, 22pp.
  4. Åby, B. A., Crosson, P., Bonesmo, H., Aass, L. and Harstad, O. M., 2016. Increasing milk yield per cow is not a mitigation option in a system with milk quotas and import restrictions. 6th Greenhouse Gas and Animal Agriculture Conference, 14.-18. February, Melbourne, Australia.
  5. Samsonstuen, S., Åby, B. A., and Aass, L. 2018. Whole-farm systems modelling of greenhouse gas emissions from suckler cow beef production systems: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal production. Wageningen Academic Publishers 2018 ISBN 978-90-8686-323-5. p.569