Byron Maximiliano Morales Lange

Byron Maximiliano Morales Lange


  • Ernæring og fysiologi for enmagede dyr

PhD in Biotechnology

Fish Immunologist


    • Immuno-nutrition
    • Antibody production
    • Comparative immunology
    • Molecular and Cell biology
    • Bioinformatics
  • Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    • Morales-Lange B, Djordjevic B, Gaudhaman A, Press CM, Olson J, Mydland LT, Mercado L, Imarai M, Castex M, Øverland M. Dietary Inclusion of Hydrolyzed Debaryomyces hansenii Yeasts Modulates Physiological Responses in Plasma and Immune Organs of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Parr Exposed to Acute Hypoxia Stress. Frontiers in Physiology (2022) 13:836810.
    • Álvarez CA, Santana PA, Cárcamo CB, Cárdenas C, Morales-Lange B, Ramírez F, Valenzuela C, Boltaña S, Alcaíno J, Guzmán F, Mercado L. Effect of Fish Stock Density on Hormone Genes Expression from Brain and Gastrointestinal Tract of Salmo salar. Animals (2022) 12(9):1174.
    • Morales-Lange B, Agboola JO, Hansen JØ, Lagos L, Øyås O, Mercado L, Mydland LT and Øverland M. The Spleen as a Target to Characterize Immunomodulatory Effects of Down-Stream Processed Cyberlindnera jadinii Yeasts in Atlantic Salmon Exposed to a Dietary Soybean Meal Challenge. Frontiers in Immunology (2021) 12:708747
    • Morales-Lange B, Ramírez-Cepeda F, Schmitt P, Guzmán F, Lagos L, Øverland M, Wong-Benito V, Imarai M, Fuentes D, Boltaña S, Alcaíno J, Soto, C. Mercado L. Interferon Gamma Induces the Increase of Cell-Surface Markers (CD80/86, CD83 and MHC-II) in Splenocytes from Atlantic Salmon. Frontiers in Immunology (2021) 12:666356.
    • Morales-Lange B, Nombela I, Ortega-Villaizán MDM, Imarai M, Schmitt P, Mercado L. Induction of foxp3 during the crosstalk between antigen presenting like-cells MHC II+ CD83+ and splenocytes CD4+ IgM− in rainbow trout. Biology (2021) 10(4): 324.
    • Djordjevic B*, Morales-Lange B*, Press CM, Olson J, Lagos L, Mercado L, Øverland M. Comparison of circulating markers and mucosal immune parameters from skin and distal intestine of Atlantic salmon in two models of acute stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021) 22(3): 1-13.
    • Djordjevic B, Morales-Lange B, Øverland M, Mercado L, Lagos L. Immune and proteomic responses to the soybean meal diet in skin and intestine mucus of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.). Aquaculture Nutrition (2021) 27(4):929–940.
    • Agboola JO, Schiavone M, Øverland M, Morales-Lange B, Lagos L, Arntzen, MØ, Lapeña D, Eijsink VGH, Horn SJ, Mydland LT, François JM, Mercado L, Hansen JØ. Impact of down-stream processing on functional properties of yeasts and the implications on gut health of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Scientific Reports (2021) 11(1): 4496.
    • Hansen JØ, Lagos L, Lei P, Reveco-Urzua FE, Morales-Lange B, Hansen LD, Schiavone M, Mydland LT, Arntzen MØ, Mercado L, Benicio RT, Øverland M. Down-stream processing of baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) – Effect on nutrient digestibility and immune response in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Aquaculture (2021) 530:735707
    • Sanhueza N, Fuentes R, Aguilar A, Carnicero B, Vega K, Muñoz D, Contreras D, Moreno N, Troncoso E, Mercado L, Morales-Lange B, Boltana S. Behavioural Fever Promotes an Inflammatory Reflex Circuit in Ectotherms. International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021) 22(16):8860.
    • Nombela I, Requena-Platek R, Morales-Lange B, Chico V, Puente-Marin S, Ciordia S, Mena MC, Coll J, Perez L, Mercado L, Ortega-Villaizan M. Rainbow Trout Red Blood Cells Exposed to Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia Virus Up-Regulate Antigen-Processing Mechanisms and MHC I & II, CD86, and CD83 Antigen-presenting Cell Markers. Cells (2019) 8(5): 386.
    • Sahlmann C, Djordjevic B, Lagos L, Mydland LT, Morales-Lange B, Hansen JØ, Ånestad R, Mercado L, Bjelanovic M, Press, CM, Øverland, M. Yeast as a protein source during smoltification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.), enhances performance and modulates health. Aquaculture (2019) 15:513. 734396.
    • Morales-Lange B, González-Aravena M, Font A, Guzmán F, Mercado L. Detection of peroxiredoxin-like protein in Antarctic Sea urchin (Sterechinus neumayeri) under heat stress and induced with pathogen-associated molecular pattern from Vibrio anguillarum. Polar Biology (2018) 41(10): 2065–2073.
    • Rojas V, Morales-Lange B, Avendaño-Herrera R, Poblete-Morales M, Tapia-Cammas D, Guzmán F, Marshall SH, Mercado, L. Detection of muscle-specific creatine kinase expression as physiological indicator for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L) skeletal muscle damage. Aquaculture (2018) 496:66-72.
    • González-Aravena M, Calfio C, Mercado L, Morales-Lange B, Bethke J, De Lorgeril J, Cárdenas CA. HSP70 from the Antarctic Sea urchin Sterechinus neumayeri: molecular characterization and expression in response to heat stress. Biological Research (2018) 51(1):8.
    • Coba de la Peña T, Cárcamo CB, Díaz MI, Winkler FM, Morales-Lange B, Mercado L, Brokordt KB. Cloning and molecular characterization of two ferritins from red abalone Haliotis rufescens and their expressions in response to bacterial challenge at juvenile and adult life stages. Fish and Shellfish Immunology (2018) 82:279-285.
    • Tarifeño-Saldivia E, Aguilar A, Contreras D, Mercado L, Morales-Lange B, Márquez K, Henríquez A, Riquelme-Vidal C, Boltana S. Iron overload is associated with oxidative stress and nutritional immunity during viral infection in fish. Frontiers in immunology (2018) 9:1296.
    • Boltana S, Sanhueza N, Donoso A, Aguilar A, Crespo D, Vergara D, Arriagada G, Morales-Lange B, Mercado L, Rey S, Tort L, Mackenzie S. The expression of TRPV channels, prostaglandin E2 and pro-inflammatory cytokines during behavioural fever in fish. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity (2018) 71:169-181.
    • Morales-Lange B, Bethke J, Schmitt P, Mercado L. Phenotypical parameters as a tool to evaluate the immunostimulatory effects of laminarin in Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Research (2015) 46(11): 2707-2715.
    • Schmitt P, Wacyk J, Morales-Lange B., Rojas, V., Guzmán, F., Dixon, B., Mercado, L. Immunomodulatory effect of cathelicidins in response to beta-glucan in intestinal epithelial cells from rainbow trout. Developmental & Comparative Immunology (2015) 51(1): 160-169.
    • Rojas V, Morales-Lange B, Guzmán F, Gallardo JA, Mercado L. Immunological strategy for detecting the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in salmonids. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology (2012) 15 (5): 21.


  • Education

    2015 - 2019: PhD in Biotechnology, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), Chile. Research project: Interferon-γ as a molecular tool for the phenotypic progression of splenocytes to dendritic cells-like in salmonids.

    2012 - 2014: Master in Microbiological Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), Chile. Research project: Availability of Peroxiredoxin-like proteins in Antarctic sea urchin (Sterechinus neumayeri) in response to Pathogen-associated molecular patterns.

    2006 – 2011: Biologist / Bachelor in Biology, Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso (PUCV), Chile. Research project: Evaluation of the effect of Laminarin on the innate immunity of Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792)

  • Forskningsprosjekter med nettside utenfor NMBU