Hilde Marit Østlie

Hilde Marit Østlie


  • Faggruppe dekan

My research interests are fermented milks and cheese, focusing especially on growth and metabolism of lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid bacteria. Lately, I have been involved in brewing related projects either focusing on growth and metabolism of yeasts alone or mixed fermentations involving both yeast and lactic acid bacteria. Today, fermentation of different peas and beans are of interest to me.

Areas of research:

  • Food microbiology
  • Fermented foods
  • Fermented legumes and cereals
  • Lactic acid bacteria and propionic acid bacteria
    • Food Microbiology
    • Food Fermentation
  • Jeg underviser i temaer knyttet opp mot mat/drikke og mikroorganismer.

    Kursansvarlig for:

    MVI220 Næringsmiddelmikrobiologi, 10 stp  

    MVI321 Fermenteringsmikrobiologi, 5 stp.

    Forelesningstimer i:

    MVI276 Ølbrygging: "Gjær og gjæring"

    MVI382A Alkoholholdig drikke: "Fermentering av alkoholholdig drikke"