E-learning course: Aquaculture biosecurity and fish health

Tilapia fisk, nærbilde

Norad’s Fish for development programme has developed an e-learning course for production of tilapia. Important aspects on production, fish health, feeding and much more is available through videos and lectures online.

This course is specifically developed to support development of tilapia production in warm-water environments by highly qualified experts.

Course structure and features

The course is structured into six modules, each divided into chapters.

The modules are:
- Module 1: Introduction
- Module 2: Production techniques
- Module 3: Fish nutrition
- Module 4: Fish health
- Module 5: Disease control and biosecurity
- Module 6: Regulations

The content of the course is presented mainly through lectures and videos. In addition, the course has some reading material for self-study.
At the end of each chapter there is a multiple-choice quiz.

Upon completion of the course, you will receive a digital course diploma.

Who is the course for?

From August 2021 to July 2023 the course will be available for participants by invitation only.

Course developement

The course development has been a collaboration between

  • The Norwegian University for Life Sciences (NMBU)
  • The Veterinary Institute (VI)
  • The Institute of Marine Research (HI)
  • Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad)
