ICT4COP Advisory Group's First Meeting in March 2022

Following the establishment of the Center for Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (ICT4COP Center) in early 2022, Ingrid Nyborg invited the Center’s newly formed Advisory Group to a digital meeting on March 24.

Kick-off Advisory Group Meeting

The members of the Advisory Board were recruited from participating partners in the Horizon 2020 ICT4COP Project which was completed in 2020. The purpose of the meeting was to follow up with the group on what they had done since the completion of the ICT4COP project, introduce the two ICT4COP Center interns, present what the Center has done so far, and brainstorm ideas and activities for the future.  

Funding Award

The ICT4COP Center is also excited to announce that we have received funding from the Research Council of Norway (Forskningsrådet) and look forward to further developing the Center with these funds. The funding will be used to, among other things, arranging a series of workshops in Norway with relevant actors over the next two years. 

Want to join the ICT4COP Network?

The ICT4COP Center would like to welcome those interested in joining the ICT4COP Network to get in touch by e-mailing ICT4COP@nmbu.no. As a member of the network, you will be sent updates through our mailing list, be able to get in touch with other members of the network, contact us for any assistance or guidance in research or other projects, and get information on events or activities that we are working on. If you are a student working on topics related to community-based policing or post-conflict police reform, we highly encourage you to become a member in order to access various resources! 

The ICT4COP Center’s Advisory Group of 2022 consists of the following members: 

  • A. Heather Coyne, Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen  
  • Abda Khalid, COMSATS University Abbottabad  
  • Alice Hills, Durham University and University of Leeds 
  • Arunima Sehgal Mukherjee, University of Oslo 
  • Arturo Matute, Del Valle University of Guatemala 
  • Babar Bashir, Rozan 
  • Bahadar Nawab Khattak, COMSATS University Islamabad 
  • Cecilia Dunster 
  • Douglas Brand, University of Oxford 
  • Erika Rojas, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 
  • Hugo Frühling, University of Chile 
  • Ingrid Nyborg, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 
  • Ingunn Andersen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 
  • Jaishankar Ganapathy, Norwegian Police Academy 
  • Janina Czapska, Jagiellonian University 
  • Kari Osland, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs
  • Katarzyna Struzinska, Jagiellonian University
  • Petter Nielsen, University of Oslo 
  • Shai André Divon, Norwegian University of Life Sciences 
  • Stian Lid, Oslo Metropolitan University 
  • Tor Damkås, Norwegian Police Academy 

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