24 Jun - Øystein Klakegg (VET)

Av Oliver Xingwen Li

PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public Defense Øystein Klakegg, Department of Paraclinical Sciences (ParaFag), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend his PhD thesis "Bacterial impact on growth, health and disease of farmed Atlantic salmon and lumpfish" on 24 June 2021.

Norwegian title of thesis
"Bakteriell påvirkning på vekst, helse og sykdom hos oppdrettet laks og rognkjeks"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
“The importance of managing microbial communities to ensure healthy, productive fin-fish aquaculture”

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defense

24 June 2021 (Oslo time)
- 1000hrs: Trial lecture
- 1045hrs: Break
- 1115hrs: Public defense

Zoom: https://nmbu.zoom.us/j/69727829210?pwd=ZXNaS1ZTNnJZbG50Umo5Ky9TUDN2dz09

Evaluation committee
First opponent: Dr. Martin Stephen Llewllyn, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Second opponent: Professor Miki Bojesen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Committee coordinator: Professor Yngvild Wasteson, NMBU, Norway

Main supervisor: Professor Henning Sørum, NMBU, Norway
Co-supervisor: CEO Kira Salonius, Previwo AS, Norway

Digital public defense
Due to restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, a maximum of 10 people are allowed in the physical venue of the public defense. The general audience is therefore encouraged to attend the trial lecture and/or public defense via Zoom.

Guidelines for attending the public defense via Zoom
- Test your equipment and internet connection prior to the public defense
- Keep your audio and video off at all times
- If anyone wishes to oppose the candidate Ex Auditorio, please send us a direct message in the Zoom chat BEFORE the 1st opponent finishes his or her opposition.
- Should you have any questions or experience any technical issues, please send us direct message in the Zoom chat.

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to: phd.radgiver.vet@nmbu.no.
Thesis number 2021:4; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-1660-4

Publisert - Oppdatert

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