15 Dec - Nanthasane Vannavong (REALTEK)

PhD student Nanthasane Vannavong
PhD student Nanthasane VannavongFoto: NMBU

Nanthasane Vannavong, Faculty of Science and Technology (RealTek), NMBU will defend his PhD thesis: “Causal factors and health risks associated with faecal contamination and Aedes aegypti infestation in household water storage in Laos and Thailand”, on 15 December 2017

Norwegian title of thesis:
Helserisiko i Laos og Thailand forbundet med lagret husholdningsvann som er forurenset fekalt og infisert med Aedes aegypti mygg.

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
Effectiveness of household water treatment technologies for the control of water-related diseases in developing countries.

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:
15 December 2017 in Urbygningen, Festsalen U215, NMBU, Ås

10:15   Trial lecture
12:15   Public defence

Evaluation committee:

  • First opponent: Professor Flemming Konradsen, Director of School of Global Health - University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Second opponent: Professor Guéladio Cissé, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Switzerland.
  • Committee coordinator: Associate Professor Arve Heistad, Faculty of Science and Technology, RealTek, NMBU.

Main supervisor:

  • Professor Razak Seidu, Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU.


The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2017:89. ISSN: 1894-6402. ISBN: 978-82-575-1476-1

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