16. Jun - Torun Fretheim (HH)

Av Lise Thoen

Fire essay om råvarepriser og risiko
“Four Essays on Commodity Price Dynamics and Risk”

Handelshøyskolen ved NMBU ønsker velkommen til åpen prøveforelesning og forsvar av avhandlingen «Fire essay om råvarepriser og risiko» Tid: Fredag 16. juni 2017 at 11.15 Sted: Tårnbygningen, NMBU, rom T401

Oppgitt tittel på prøveforelesning: ”The function and pricing of commodity futures - understanding risk management, price discovery and risk premia in commodity futures markets” Veiledere: Hovedveileder: Førsteamanuensis Marie Steen, Handelshøyskolen NMBU Bi-veileder: Professor Ole Gjølberg, Handelshøyskolen, NMBU

Evalueringskomite Professor T. Randall Fortenbery, School of Economic Sciences, Washingston State University Professor Joëlle Miffre, EDHEC Business School, Nice Professor Atle Guttormsen, Handelshøyskolen NMBU Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig til gjennomsyn I ekspedisjonen ved Handelshøyskolen NMBU i fjerde etasje i Tårnbygningen.


NMBU School of Economics and Business welcomes you to Torun Fretheim’s trial lecture and public defence of her PhD Thesis “Four Essays on Commodity Price Dynamics and Risk”.

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture ”The function and pricing of commodity futures - understanding risk management, price discovery and risk premia in commodity futures markets”

Supervisors: Main Supervisor: Associate Professor Marie Steen, NMBU School of Economics and Business Co-supervisor: Professor Ole Gjølberg, NMBU School of Economics and Business

Members of the committee are: Professor T. Randall Fortenbery, School of Economic Sciences, Washingston State University Professor Joëlle Miffre, EDHEC Business School, Nice Professor Atle Guttormsen, NMBU School of Economics and Business

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU School of Economics reception in the Tower building, 4th floor.

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