8 March - Demmelash Mengistu (REALTEK)

Av Berit Hauger Lindstad

PhD degree – Trial Lecture and Public Defence
Demmelash Mengistu, Faculty of Science and Technology (REALTEK) will defend his PhD thesis "Microplastics in stormwater runoff: Measuring tire wear particles (TWP) concentration in the road environment and effect of treatment systems" on 8 March 2023

Norwegian title of thesis:
"Mikroplast i veiavrenning: Måling av konsentrasjon av dekkslitasjepartikler (DSP) i veimiljøet og renseeffekt i anlegg for overvann"

Prescribed subject of the trial lecture:
"Sustainable management practices of polluted road run-off"

Time and place for the trial lecture and the public defence:

Wednesday 8 March 2023
10:15 Trial lecture
12:15 Public defence

Place: Festsalen (U215), Urbygningen, NMBU

Evaluation committee:
First opponent: PhD Christian Vogelsang, Norwegian Institute of Water Research
Second opponent: Associate professor Åsmund Rinnan, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Committee coordinator: Associate professor Nazli Pelin Kocatürk Schumacher, REALTEK, NMBU

Main supervisor: Professor Arve Heistad, REALTEK, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Professor Knut Kvaal, REALTEK, NMBU
Co-supervisor: Associate professor Vegard Nilsen, REALTEK, NMBU
Co-supervisor: PhD Claire Coutris, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)

Mentor: Jan Fredrik Aarseth, Ås municipality

The doctoral thesis is available for public review. If you want access to the thesis in pdf, please send an email to phd-realtek(at)nmbu.no.
Please include name of candidate and thesis number 2023:16, ISSN: 1894-6402, ISBN 978-82-575-2045-8

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