Call for papers: Forskermøtet 2020

Av Annette Alstadsæter

.Foto: Håkon Sparre, NMBU

We welcome all to our marvellous NMBU campus in Ås for the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association of Economists on January 6 – 7, 2020.   

Papers for contributed sessions are welcome in all areas of economics. Deadline for submission of abstracts: November 17.

Registration and submissions at

Plenary lectures

Julie Riise, UiB: “GPs as role models”

Knut Einar Rosendahl, NMBU: “Climate change problem: When first-best policy is not an option”

TBA: Lecture on the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics 2019

Invited sessions

Aline Bütikofer, NHH: “Mobility and expanding labor markets”

Jon Fiva, BI: “Political economics”

Panel discussion: “Economic policy, climate, and nature. Economics: the problem or the solution?” Coordinator: Eirik Romstad, NMBU

Forskermøtet 2020 is hosted by the School of Economics and Business, NMBU

Organizing committee: Annette Alstadsæter and Eirik Romstad (NMBU), Rune Jansen Hagen (UiB), and Ingeborg Foldøy Solli (UiS)

The conference language is English.


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