Skatteforsk i OECD

Av Annette Alstadsæter

OECDFoto: Shutterstock

OECD Conference on wealth inequalities: Measurement and policies

Torsdag 26.april 2018 arrangeres OECD Conference on wealth inequalities: Measurement and policies i Paris.

Skatteforsks Professor Annette Alstadsæter skal holde foredraget "Tax Evasion and Inequality" som bygger på forskningsartikkel saman med Niels Johannesen og Gabriel Zucman, samt delta på møter og i paneldebatt.

This one-day conference brings together researchers, policy-makers and stakeholders from across the OECD to discuss the evidence on the nature of inequalities in the distribution of household wealth, their implications for society and the challenges for policy-makers that they raise. ... This conference will discuss the latest findings on the distribution of household wealth in OECD countries and beyond, and why these inequalities matter for both social and economic policy. The conference will also focus on some of the opportunities to improve these estimates further to provide the information needed by policy-makers.

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