Oppslag om skatteparadis i The Economist

Av Annette Alstadsæter

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I september kom to nye NBER working papers om skatteparadis frå SKATTEFORSK-prosjektet "How to tax capital in a globalized world?", og begge har fått oppslag i The Economist.

1. juni 2017 skreiv The Economist: "The super-rich are different: they pay less tax. The Swiss leaks and Panama papers open a window on the tax-dodger’s world". Heile artikkelen kan lesast her:
Artikkelen bygger på "Tax Evasion and Inequality", av Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen, og Gabriel Zucman, NBER working paper 23772, 2017.

7.oktober 2017 skreiv The Economist: "Buried treasure. A new study details the wealth hidden in tax havens. But even the new data are patchy and do not fully account for all wealth". Heile artikkelen kan lesast her: https://www.economist.com/news/finance-and-economics/21730046-even-new-data-are-patchy-and-do-not-fully-account-all-wealth-new
Artikkelen bygger på "Who Owns the Wealth in Tax Havens? Macro Evidence and Implications for Global Inequality", av Annette Alstadsæter, Niels Johannesen, og Gabriel Zucman, NBER working paper 23805, 2017.

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