Breakfast seminars

Av Kateryna Krutskykh

Breakfast seminars - calendar

The department organizes breakfast seminars in room T452
- everyone is welcome!

Food is served before the seminar begins




28/9 9:00 AM: Rani Lill Anjum and Elena Rocca, HH-NMBU:
“What does philosophy have to do with risk assessment? An example from oil contamination.”

 6/4 9:00 AM: Cloé Garnache, Michigan State University:
"When Your View Goes Up In Flames: Effect of Wildfires on Property Values"


15/12 9:00 AM: Marianne Marthinsen, Stortingsrepresentant (Arbeiderpartiet):
“Finanspolitikk – teori møter praksis”

28/4 9:00 AM: Egil Skorstad, HiOF:
"The challenges of flexible organizational forms."


18/11 9:00 AM: Seminar Anders Skonhoft, NTNU:
"Livestock herding and the tragedy of the commons"

28/10 9:00 AM: Seminar Elisabeth Isaksen, UiO:
“The environmental and distributional consequences of emission markets. Evidence from the Clean Air Interstate Rule”

9/9 9:00 AM: Seminar Åshild Auglænd Johnsen, HH-NMBU:
“Trust, Ethnic Diversity, and Personal Contact: Experimental Field Evidence”

17/6 9:00 AM: Seminar Annette Alstadsæter, HH-NMBU:
"Offshore tax evasion"

20/5 9:00 AM: Seminar Deepak Bisht, Indian Institute of Management:
"Pricing Option on Commodity Futures under String Shock"

22/4 9:00 AM: Breakfast seminar Lars Huemer, BI:
"Knowledge development between First Nations and Salmon Farming companies"

5/2 9:00 AM: Breakfast seminar Asbjørn Torvanger, Cicero:
"Climate finance: From Paris to green bonds"


27/11 9AM: Breakfast seminar Magnus Gulbrandsen, TIK (UiO):
"Academia and society: University members’ engagement in innovation"

9/10 9AM: Breakfast seminar Åge Johnsen, HiOA.
"Performance management in the Norwegian Government: Management by objectives or detailed control?"

11/9 9AM: Breakfast seminar Christoph Böhringer, University of Oldenburg: 
"Unilateral Climate Policies: Challenges, Designs, and Implications"

10/4 9AM: Breakfast seminar Kristine Grimsrud, SSB: 
"Resource rent in Norwegian fisheries"

20/3 9AM: Breakfast seminar Yikai Wang, UiO: 
"Will China Escape the Middle-income Trap? A Politico-economic Theory of Growth and State Capitalism"

27/2 9AM: Breakfast seminar Svenn Jensen, HH-NMBU: 
"Optimal climate policy under climate sensitivity uncertainty"

20/2 9AM: Breakfast seminar Piotr Spiewanowski, Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences:
“Did the Fertilizer Cartel Cause the Food Crisis?”


7/11 9AM: Breakfast seminar Paolo Giovanni Piacquadio, UiO: "
Fair Intergenerational Utilitarianism: Risk, its Resolution over Time, and Discounting"

17/10 9AM: Breakfast seminar: Stephen Mumford

26/9 9AM: Breakfast seminar: Steffen Kallbekken, Cicero

22/8 9AM: Breakfast seminar Xabier Arrizabalo Montoro: 
"Comparative analysis of the historical experience of Latin America's debt in the 1980s and Europe's current debt".

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