Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences


Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences

At Prodmed, we focus particularly on production animal health and welfare in a broad perspective, through both education and research.

We teach veterinary students and veterinary nursing students internal medicine, surgery, herd health , animal welfare, reproduction and -related diseases, jurisprudence, and preventive veterinary medicine.

About Prodmed

Prodmed has five sections:

  • Herd Health Services
  • Production Animal Clinic
  • Experimental Biomedicine
  • Small Ruminant Research and Herd Health (at NMBU Sandnes)
  • Animal Welfare, Epidemiology and Population Medicine
  • At the section, veterinary students participate in investigations, diagnostics and treatment of production animals in the field, with guidance from the section's veterinarians. The farm service unit serves production animals (and horses) in eight municipalities in Oslo and Viken and operates a 24/7 on-call service.

    The Section has approximately 15 employees and is responsible for teaching production animal practice, herd health management and livestock welfare. The section runs a 24/7 production animal practice in eight municipalities in Oslo and Viken. This allows veterinary students participate in investigation, diagnostics and treatment of production animals in the field, with guidance from the section's veterinarians.

    The production animals practice ensures that our undergraduate students havea sufficient number of cases to master the various tasks they will face in their professional life as large animal practitioners. It also provides opportunities for veterinarians undergoing postgraduate study to develop their clinical skills.

    The central research topics at the section are applied production animal health and welfare. Research methods include observational studies and the use of national production databases for large population-based studies. Randomized controlled clinical trials are also performed in the section.

    The animal hospital

    Farm/production Animal Practice

    Farm/production Animal Practice is part of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's Animal Hospital.

  • The Production Animal Clinic admits several hundred cattle, small ruminants and pigs annually for diagnosis and treatment. The Clinic’s primary function is to serve as a teaching hospital for veterinary students. It specifically focuses on the teaching of production animal medicine, surgery, and theriogenology. Patients are referred to the Clinic by practicing veterinarians and the Clinic aims to be a resource centra and contact point for veterinary practitioners. Typical cases seen by the clinic include respiratory infections, fractured limbs, poisoning, gastrointestinal diseases and problems associated with reproduction and obstetrics.

    Important research topics for the section are reproductive toxicology, infectious diseases, parasites in ruminants, claw diseases and porcine health.

    Studenter og underviser undersøker et lam på Produksjonsdyrklinikken

    The animal hospital

    The Production Animal Clinic

    The Production Animal Clinic is part of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine's Animal Hospital.

  • Section for Experimental Biomedicine (Eksbio) contributes to developing a high level of expertise in experimental animal and fish models. It aims to become a national competence center for teaching laboratory animal studies, and to contribute to the ethically sound use of laboratory animals.

    The section teaches veterinary and veterinary nursing students in laboratory animal studies, and also runs a continuing education activity.

  • At Høyland in Sandnes, Prodmed has a campas for research and teaching which foucses small ruminant health and herd health. Here, veterinary students get a practical introduction to small ruminant diseases and practice, including courses in meat inspection, lambing and examination and postmortem examinations of small ruminants

    Sandnes has its own experimental flock of 180 ewes, isolates for infection testing, as well as a clinical pathology laboratory.

  • Central research areas are health, welfare and production level in production animals, based on data from many sources - such as clinical field registrations, environmental registrations and health and production data.

    The Department has high research expertise in infectious diseases and hoof diseases, as well as reproduction and health management in pigs, ruminants and fish.

    The Section for Experimental Biomedicine is run as a service department for external research, but also conducts significant research of its own.
    The Department is part of a broad national and international professional network.