GLA301 Introduction to Landscape Architecture for Global Sustainability


Ansvarlig fakultet:Fakultet for landskap og samfunn

Emneansvarlig:Kerstin Potthoff

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk

Antall plasser:25 students

Frekvens:Every year

Forventet arbeidsmengde:125 hours

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:August block

Om dette emnet

The course introduces key terms such as "landscape" and "sustainability" and how they have been understood and applied throughout history. Moreover, the course provides insights into global trends in landscape change and drivers thereof, e.g. modernization, urbanization, climate change, and how societies respond to these changes.

The course is an arena to reflect and test a range of methods and techniques applied within landscape architecture, such as mapping, surveying, landscape analysis and interpretation, design thinking and design-research. Students will begin to sketch methods introduced in the course to discuss and assess peer perspectives and expertise and receive feedback from staff.

Dette lærer du

The course aims at providing students with knowledge about global trends of landscape change and their drivers. Students are introduced to tools and methods which can be deployed to investigate global challenges in a local context.

Knowledge: Students gain insight into the basic ecological, economic and socio-political baselines, which drive landscape change.

Skills: Students are able to apply tools available for representation of landscapes in a field context.

General competence: Based on a case study approach, students get an understanding of how local and global processes and conditions manifest themselves in the landscape and to which degree knowledge of transformation processes in a certain landscape can be transferred to other case studies.

  • Lectures, workshops, group discussions, assignments, reviews.
  • Feedback and reviews in small peer groups and in plenary sessions
  • Will be available through Canvas
  • Relevant bachelor
  • Portfolio evaluation

    Portfolio consisting of assignments; all assignments need to be passed to complete the course

    Grading: pass/no pass

    All assignments are given and have to be submitted in ENGLISH ONLY.

    Mappevurdering Karakterregel: Bestått/ Ikke bestått
  • An external examiner evaluates the course and the way students are evaluated.
  • Expected full-time attendance.
  • Ca. 30 hours of structured teaching: e.g. lectures, facilitated workshops, group discussions, assignments, reviews
  • Students enrolled in M-GLA are given priority.
  • Admission to M-GLA, forth or fith year M-LA. Students from M-GLA are given priority.