AQF220 Sjømat, trygghet og helseeffekter


Ansvarlig fakultet:Fakultet for realfag og teknologi

Emneansvarlig:Odd Ivar Lekang

Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås

Undervisningens språk:Engelsk


Forventet arbeidsmengde:187,5 hours total work load

Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:Emnet starter i høstparallellen. Emnet har undervisning/vurdering i høstparallellen, .

Om dette emnet

The course will allow student to identify hazards and to discuss how processing, distribution and consumer handling will influence safety and health effects of aquatic food. Relevant biological and chemical hazards in aquatic food are presented including pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, aquatic biotoxins, histamine/biogenic amines and industrial and environmental contaminants. Quantitative microbial ecology, mathematical modelling and software are included for evaluation and management of hazards during processing and distribution of aquatic food to the end-consumers. Functional aquatic food components (omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, proteins/peptides, taurine, selenium, iodine, chitosan, antioxidants, polysaccharides, macro algae) and their beneficial human health effects are presented and evaluated in relation to regulations, health claims and risk benefit analysis.

The course includee-learning with webinars and it is important that students have access to Internet and can be reached by e-mail.

Dette lærer du

A student who has met the objectives of the course will be able to: - Describe basic concepts of aquatic food risk analysis. - Apply the HACCP system for safety management of aquatic food. - Describe human health benefits of aquatic food consumption. - Evaluate and compare risks and human health benefits of aquatic food consumption. - Explain human health benefits of specific functional aquatic food components. - Analyse data from database about aquatic food-borne diseases outbreaks - Apply predicative microbiology software to evaluate microbial hazards in aquatic foods - Review and analyse data in a synthetic report - Critically analyse "hot topics"related to safety and health of aquatic foods
  • Læringsaktiviteter
    The course will include lectures that could be followed online on web or as recorded files. In addition there will be exercises to solve.
  • Pensum
    Course literature: Text books and selected articles including: Assessment and management of seafood safety and quality, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper no. 444. ( Luten, J. (ed) Marine functional foods. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 2009
  • Forutsatte forkunnskaper
    Bachelor degree in for instance enginering, biology, chemistry, food, animal husbandry, aquaculture, fishery.
  • Vurderingsordning, hjelpemiddel og eksamen
    Written exam (3 hours), The language shall be English.

    En skriftlig eksamen Karakterregel: Bokstavkarakterer Hjelpemiddel: A1 Ingen kalkulator, ingen andre hjelpemidler
  • Sensorordning
    Ekstern sensor deltar sammen med intern sensor ved utformingen av eksamensoppgavene og sensorveiledningen. Ekstern sensor kontrollerer intern sensors vurdering av et tilfeldig utvalg kandidater som en kalibrering med visse mellomrom i henhold til instituttets retningslinjer for sensur.
  • Obligatorisk aktivitet
    Two mandatory reports/group work must be passed before exam. The language shall be English.
  • Merknader
    Part of the AQ-food cooperation with NTNU and UoI. The course is given by representatives from the three universities in the program. The course is e-learning and can be followed on web. Odd-Ivar Lekang will be the local responsible and is available for questions.
  • Undervisningstider
    Structured lectures 24 hours, guided working with exercieses 20 hours,
  • Opptakskrav