AOS325 Moderne organisasjoner
Ansvarlig fakultet:Handelshøyskolen
Emneansvarlig:Astrid Charlotta Levay
Campus / nettbasert:Undervises campus Ås
Undervisningens språk:Engelsk
Forventet arbeidsmengde:Total work load is estimated to 250 work hours.
Undervisnings- og vurderingsperiode:This course starts in the Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in the Autumn parallel, .
Om dette emnet
Kurset blir gitt på engelsk med engelsk pensum, derfor foreligger kursbeskrivelsen kun på dette språket.
This course offers a comprehensive introduction to advanced analysis of contemporary organisations and organising. In today’s world, organising takes place not just within separate organisations but as much in between an across them. To navigate in such contexts, it is important to understand how organisations interact with their environment, which is largely made up of other organisations, such as corporations, government agencies, and transnational advisory bodies. In this course, we study what goes on in these intricate processes. We explore, contrast, and apply different theoretical perspectives, including both established and more recent approaches.
The course first considers classic models of organisations as closed systems. It then traces the evolution of new models of organisations as open systems that seek internal cultural accord as well as external legitimacy. Students get to practice systematic and reflective organisational analysis, which is essential to identifying and dealing with specific organisational problems and opportunities.
Dette lærer du
After completing the course, students should:
- Demonstrate thorough knowledge of the main approaches in organisation theory.
- Show nuanced understanding of the development of organisation theory from closed to open systems perspectives.
- Show solid grasp of the main features of major perspectives on organisations.
After completing the course, students should:
- Show ability to apply diverse theoretical perspectives to central organisational problems.
- Display awareness of the implications and limitations of the different perspectives.
- Demonstrate capacity to present advanced organisation theory in a clear and concise manner.
General competencies
After completing the course, students should:
- Demonstrate analytical competence and ability to reflect critically on social phenomena.
- Show ability to work individually and as a member of a group to analyse complex problems.
- Show ability to communicate in English on organisational issues, both verbally and in writing.
Forutsatte forkunnskaper
Vurderingsordning, hjelpemiddel og eksamen
Obligatorisk aktivitet