Naturbasert reiseliv kan styrke motstandskraften i samfunnet

Foto: Wanderlust Tours
Foto: Wanderlust ToursFoto: Wanderlust Tours

Naturbasert reiseliv skaper arbeidsplasser. Det kan også bidra på andre områder og styrke motstandskraften i samfunnet, skriver Kreg Lindberg i BIOTOUR-bloggen.

Nature-based tourism creates jobs, but it also can make a broader contribution – to community resilience. A resilience perspective recognizes the importance of jobs, but also an industry’s contribution to economic diversity at the individual, household, and community level.

Moreover, nature-based tourism can contribute to community resilience in other ways, such as by enhancing social capital or by catalyzing pro-environmental behavior by landowners and, especially, tourists.

Les mer i dette blogginnlegget fra Kreg Lindberg.

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