Plan your exchange

On this page you will find all the general tasks you need to do regardless of which part of the world you are planning to visit.
Prior to applying
How do I apply for exchange?
Application deadlines
Deadlines to apply for exchange:
- 1 February for the autumn semester, spring semester or the entire academic year.
- 15 September for the spring semester (residual admission)
Prior to leaving
GDPR and exchange
When you apply to go on exchange to one of our partner institutions, NMBU must share personal information about you with the institution in order for them to assess the application. Read more about GDPR and exchange.
Apply for prior approval of external courses
When you apply to go on exchange to one of our partner institutions, NMBU must share personal information about you with the institution in order for them to assess the application
Apply for loans and grants
Applications for prior approval of subjects should be completed before you apply for support from Lånekassen.
You must register for the semester and pay the semester fee during the period you are on exchange. If you are registered for courses, you must actively unregister them. This confirms to Lånekassen that you are an active student, and have the right to support from them while you are on exchange. Everyone must log into StudentWeb to register for the semester and pay the semester fee before the trip.
Insurance, visa and vaccinations
During a stay abroad, it is necessary to ensure that you have the vaccinations that are recommended to have at your place of study. In some countries, visas and residence permits are also required.
Health insurance
For those who are compulsory members of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme, membership will be maintained for studies abroad for less than 12 months. As a student abroad, you are normally a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme if you are eligible for benefits from the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. In addition to this, you will need insurance that covers necessary conditions before you go on a study period abroad.
Are you going to a country within the European Economic Area (EEA)?
Make sure you bring a European Health Insurance Card with you before you travel. The European Health Insurance Card documents that you are entitled to reimbursement for expenses for necessary medical treatment when you are temporarily staying in another EEA country or Switzerland. You are entitled to treatment under the same conditions as citizens of the country in which you are staying. You apply for the European Health Insurance Card through HelseNorge's website.
Are you going to a country outside the European Economic Area (EEA)?
In that case, you will need health insurance beyond your European Health Insurance Card.
Are you going to the United States?
HELFO has its own scheme for students in the USA who receive educational support through the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund. Through the social security system in Norway, you are affiliated with Equian, and questions about health insurance for Norwegian students in the United States can be directed to
At a minimum, the insurance should cover:
- Accident, contents and travel
- Expenses for hospital stays if you travel outside the EEA/USA
- Expenses for repatriation in the event of serious injury/death
Students do not have their own insurance scheme through NMBU because state educational institutions are not allowed to take out insurance on behalf of students. The state is a so-called self-insurer.
If students wish to have the same insurance cover as employees at the university, they must take out separate travel and personal accident insurance. In some cases, students may still be covered by their parents' insurance policies.
Students who study or who travel on fieldwork abroad must have travel insurance. Students should therefore check whether they have insurance that will cover any injury, loss and repatriation in the event of illness during their stay abroad.
It is the students' responsibility to make sure they have travel insurance before they leave.
The Norwegian National Insurance Scheme entitles you to coverage of certain health services, but does not, for example, cover repatriation in the event of illness. Find out about different insurance solutions by contacting different companies or, for example, your bank.
Visa and residence permit
You are responsible for informing yourself about the visa regulations in the country you are travelling to. Check the individual agreement pages for further information and contact your country's embassy/consulate. Also remember to check that your passport is valid for the entire length of your stay and in line with the applicable country's regulations.
Remember to take any necessary vaccinations before departure. You can find more information at Reiseklinikken.
See the website of the Travel Clinic here.
Advice from the authorities
Sometimes students travel to countries marked by unrest and conflict. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has an overview of the situation in various countries and will be able to provide information about unsafe areas. If you have any questions in relation to this, it may be a good idea to contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or check the Internet pages. Norwegian authorities can sometimes advise against Norwegians travelling to special areas, and such messages may come at short notice.
Semester registration
If you are enrolled in courses, you must actively unsubscribe from these. This confirms to the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund that you are an active student and are entitled to support from them while you are on exchange. Everyone must log in to StudentWeb to register for the semester and pay the semester fee before travelling.
During your stay abroad
Questions about your courses
Are you going to take courses other than those for which you applied for prior approval?
Contact the student advisor at your NMBU faculty for questions about course selection and approval.Semester registration
Make sure to register for each semester in the Student Web!
Stay safe and prepared abroad
Remember to update your relatives and the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) about your address and telephone abroad. NMBU is informed through updates on Student Web. You can easily arrange automatic forwarding of NMBU e-mail to any other e-mail account during your stay. Info: NMBU support.
- Familiarise yourself with information from NAV internationally regarding illness abroad, as well as the terms of your private travel insurance.
- Familiarise yourself with and abide by local safety recommendations (for example, from your host university) – this is the most important source of information. The Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' website also provides information about security abroad.
- Familiarise yourself on the resources from Sikre Siden on what you can do if you find yourself in a crisis abroad.
- Follow the laws and regulations of the country you will be staying in, and be aware of other conditions, norms and rules (both written and unwritten) than what applies in Norway. A good travel book can provide some guidelines.
- Have the telephone number of the nearest Norwegian foreign service mission (embassy or consulate) and other important telephone numbers handy. For stays outside Europe, and where this seems natural, you are recommended to register at the nearest Norwegian foreign service mission during your stay.
- Never carry a lot of money on you. Also, keep in mind that it is a good idea to have two different payment cards in case one is stolen. You should have sufficient funds in your bank account in Norway to cover any extraordinary expenses (illness, repatriation, etc.).
- Have copies made of your passport, visa and other important documents in case of theft. Keep original documents in a secure location.
- Avoid any involvement with drugs; most countries have severe penalties for such offences, in some places up to the death penalty. You are accountable to host country laws.
- Be cautious after dark, avoid criminally charged areas and exercise caution. Remember that drugs impair judgment and judgment.
- Make sure others know where you are!
If something does happen
- Utilize the resources on the Sikre Siden (on travel)
- In less acute or critical situations - contact the host university's contact person, or emergency number, for advice and assistance. In the event of serious incidents, you should also contact the nearest Norwegian foreign service mission (embassy or consulate). If there is no local Norwegian representation, other Nordic missions can be contacted.
- If medical attention is needed, the host university, the insurance company's emergency centre (SOS) or a Norwegian foreign service mission can make recommendations.
- You pay for financial expenses in the event of illness (outside the EEA) and will be reimbursed after NAV Global (separate reimbursement form). The documentation from NAV Global provides more detailed information about the scheme in the individual countries. In case of major expenses such as hospitalisation etc., the nearest foreign service mission should be contacted. You can also contact the emergency number provided in your private travel insurance for assistance.
- In crisis situations, first and foremost, make sure that your next of kin, your host university and/or NMBU are informed about your situation and where you are. Please also inform your nearest foreign service mission.
- In the event of a local state of emergency (political unrest, natural disasters, etc.) – follow the guidelines from the local authorities and inform the Norwegian foreign service mission about you and your residence address if you have not done so previously. In case of unrest, keep in touch with the embassy.
If you are exposed to accidents or crises that may be difficult to handle, you can contact the Norwegian Church Abroad. The student chaplains and the organization's other staff abroad are available to you. Emergency preparedness work ranges from providing care to individuals to assisting in major disasters. Contact the Norwegian Seamen's Church on their round-the-clock emergency telephone +47 951 19 181
The Norwegian Church Abroad has also launched an app with an overview of all local emergency numbers, no matter where in the world you are. The app uses the mobile network and GPS to position the user. It is also possible to enter relevant information about, among other things, insurance company, contact number of next of kin and employer. Access to the app can be found by searching "sjømannskirken" in your app store.
Get the app to learn about staying safe
Train yourself to know how to handle different situations by playing the student games "Trygg student" and "Trygg student i utlandet"
The game "Trygg student" gives students knowledge about how to handle the various challenges of student life. How to have a good student life? What can you do when everyday life becomes demanding, or more than an unwanted event happens? In this game you will learn a little more about what you can do yourself and when it is wise to contact others.
Now the game "Trygg student i utlandet" is also available.
Download the app Attensi skills, log in with the code "studentlivet" and register with your phone number!
If you have to interrupt your exchange stay
If you need to interrupt your stay, you must inform the host university, and Lånekassen!
After arriving back at NMBU
Transcript of Records
In order to apply for final approval, you need a transcript of records from your host university, which shows which courses you have passed on exchange. The transcript will either be sent directly to you or to SIT. In some cases, a transcript must be ordered before it is shipped. If it is sent to SIT, you will be notified by email. It is important that you take good care of your original transcript.
Apply for final approval
When you return from an exchange, you must apply for final approval of the courses you have taken on exchange. You need final approval to have your exchange accepted into your degree at NMBU and convert parts of your student loan to a grant.
How to apply final approval:
You apply for final approval to the student advisor at your faculty. He/she must have a copy of your transcript in addition to your application.
The forms are in Norwegian language only:
Report from your exchange
If you have been on exchange, you are an important resource for NMBU, and we would like your help to promote exchange. As the experiences you gain abroad are valuable for future exchange students, you must submit a report from your exchange to NMBU. You deliver the report to your exchange coordinator at SIT and it will be published on the NMBU Utvekslingsbloggen and/or on the Facebook page Exchange NMBU.
Those who have been on exchange through Erasmus+ will also receive an email from the European Commission with a link to a portal where you will submit a report called an EU survey.