Bærekraftshjul med FNs bærekraftsmål i sirkel rundt jordkloden
FNs bærekraftsmål i sirkel rundt jordkloden, lagt over et teppe med skog. Photo: Shutterstock / MintBlac

NMBU's sustainability hub is a cross-disciplinary meeting place for faculties and academic areas. Welcome!

About the Sustainability Hub

The hub brings together students and staff to discuss and collaborate on various sustainability initiatives. Everyone is welcome; the hub serves as a focal point for those passionate about sustainability.

Equipped with a large meeting room, guest spaces for students and visiting researchers, and dedicated offices for staff working on sustainability at NMBU.

Hub Activities

  • Regular Thursday lunches featuring different sustainability themes.
  • Other seminars and workshops upon request and need.

Students and staff are warmly invited to use the hub as a gathering place for sustainability-related activities. Feel free to get in touch.


In the hub you'll meet