Centre for Plant Research in Controlled Climate (SKP)
News from SKP
We offer climate regulated facilities i.e:
- Green houses
- Phytotrones and climate chambers
- Quarantine facilities and approved GMO facilities
- Refrigerator- and freezer rooms
- Arable land, both organic and conventional
- Polytunnels
Staff and competance
About SKP
Centre for Plant Research in Controlled Climate (SKP; short NO) is a specialised national centre that offers research infrastructure for plant research. Our highly competent technicians assist in trial planning and finding the right technical solutions.
The center owners are Norwegian university of iife sciences (NMBU) and Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO.
SKP's main task is to operate, develop and sublet of infrastructure that researchers and companies need to carry out their experiments. Primarily, the activity is aimed at indoor and outdoor plant research, but anyone who needs climate-controlled facilities is welcome to rent. We rent to researchers internally at NMBU, researchers from other research and development institutions and to companies.
SKP can offer services in climate-regulated facilities (greenhouses, phytotrons, climate rooms, approved GMO facilities, cold and freezer rooms, etc.), and in farmland(ecological and conventional areas at the Vollebekk research farm). SKP disposes of over 200 small and large climate-controlled units with associated service facilities. At Vollebekk research farm SKP have approx. 440 acres of cultivated land, included approx. 50 acres of organic land (Debio-approved), and is available for various experiments on grain, grass and other field crops. SKP is also responsible for operating the irrigation system on campus.
SKP was established in 1995, as a joint facility for NMBU and NIBIO. Organizationally, SKP is associated with NMBU, but a collaboration agreement with NIBIO facilitates good utilization and operation of the facilities on campus Ås.
Good quality through cooperation with the researchers is important. We have a competent staff who gladely discuss experimental plans and technical solutions. The earlier in planning these discussions start, the easier it is to come up with good solutions. From SKP's side, it is desirable that we are involved already in the application stage. SKP can tailor facilities specifically for your experiments.
As a safeguard for everyone doing experiments at SKP, we have a 24/7 on-call system that contact a technicant if errors occur in the technical facility.
Contact information SKP
Kirkeveien 16
PO. box 5003
N-1433 Ås
Telephone: 468 86 773
Email: skp@nmbu.noTechnical 24/7 on-call telephone: 970 94 576