The Biospectroscopy Laboratory contains advanced vibrational spectroscopy instrumentation.
The vibrational spectroscopy instrumentation consists of eight principal units:
Bruker VERTEX 70 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, with room temperature DLaTGS detector and liquid nitrogen cooled MCT detector
Bruker HYPERION 3000 Infrared Microscope, with 36x and 15x transmission/reflection objectives and 20x Ge-ATR objective, liquid nitrogen cooled MCT and FPA detectors, and computer-controlled x-y stage
Bruker HTS-XT microplate accessory for high-throughput screening FTIR, with detector for transmission measurements of 96 and 384 wellplates
WITec alpha300R Confocal Raman Microscope, with 785 nm excitation laser (125 mW), 10x, 50x and 100x objectives, NIR imaging spectrometer with CCD camera, and computer-controlled x-y stage
Bruker MATRIX-MF Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, with liquid nitrogen cooled MCT detector and two diamond ATR fiber optic probe
Bruker MultiRAM Fourier Transform Raman Spectrometer, with Nd:YAG excitation laser (1 W, 1064 nm), high-throughput screening mapping stage for measurements of 96 wellplates, and Raman fiber optic probe
Specac Golden Gate Mk II ATR accessory for temperature-dependent FTIR, with heated diamond top-plate, ZnSe lenses, and temperature controller
Bruker ALPHA II Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer, with DTGS detector and universal sampling module.