VET356 Principles of Immunity and Disease

Credits (ECTS):13.5

Course responsible:Preben Boysen

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Once each year.

Teaching and exam period:The course begins in the autumn semester and runs into the spring semester.

About this course

Principles of Immunity and Disease is an integration of the disciplines of immunology, general pathology and medical genetics. This is the veterinary students' first systematic approach to the defense against infections and the development of disease. Principles of Immunity and Disease is essential to be able to understand infection biology, clinical and pathological diagnostics, therapy, immune prophylaxis and breeding strategies against disease.

The subject is organized in the following parts:

  • Medical genetics
  • General pathology
  • Immunology

Connection with past and future subjects:

A general introduction to genetics is given in Level 1. Immunology is also briefly introduced in Level 1. In Principles of Immunity and Disease immunology, general pathology and disease genetics are taught in an integrated form. Emphasis is placed on drawing lines for previous teaching and including examples from Level 1, e.g. VET351.

The material from Principles of Immunity and Disease will be an absolutely essential prerequisite for further studies at Level 2 and in clinical teaching.

Learning outcome

Knowledge objectives:

After completing the teaching, the student must:

  • Have acquired a basic understanding of disease development and disease manifestation and laid a foundation for a deeper understanding of the clinical disciplines. Have good knowledge in immunology, general pathology and medical genetics.
  • Explain how the cells of the immune system function in the defense against infections.
  • Recognize morphological manifestations and understand functional changes in hereditary, degenerative, circulatory inflammatory diseases and be able to explain underlying mechanisms.
  • Explain the genetic basis for immune response, disease resistance and diseases with hereditary predisposition.
  • Describe changes that are characteristic of central disease processes in histological sections and make a morphological diagnosis.
  • Understand how information about inherited and acquired mutations can be used to optimize treatment.

Skills objectives:

  • Students should be able to describe changes that are characteristic of central disease processes in histological sections and make a morphological diagnosis.
  • The teaching is given in the form of lectures, courses, group work / colloquia and possibly other forms of learning.
  • Students are welcome to contact teachers for questions. Students are encouraged to address the teacher who teaches the topic, or contact course leader for general enquiries.
  • At the end of the subject period, the student must complete a campus-based written, digital exam of 4 hours, covering all the sub-subjects, assessed to a graded mark. The exam may consist of short answers, long answers, picture assignments, multiple-choice questions (not necessarily all). The exam is assessed as a whole, and in the event of a lack of knowledge in key areas, the student may fail to pass even if knowledge in other areas is good.

    The final exam uses an electronic platform (f.t. Wiseflow).

    Permitted aids: None

    Grading: Letter grades
  • The final exam is assessed by external examiner(s), according to current exam regulations.
  • Some parts of the teaching are compulsory, please see the course page / timetable (Canvas).

    Absence from compulsory activities is permitted from up to one course day if a justification is given. In the event of absence beyond this, the student must contact the teacher and show that the topic has been thoroughly studied on their own, e.g. by referring to own notes and being able to answer questions.

    Four sets of multiple-choice assignments on a digital platform (currently Canvas). These must be fulfilled and are not part of the one-day rule above.

  • Requirements for own equipment:

    • Laptop with access to current study tools (Canvas etc.).
    • Textbooks as indicated on the home page (Canvas).

    Health, Safety and Environment:

    • No risk activities have been identified.
    • Student laboratory "Kurssal Basalfag" (microscopy lab): Please refer to the instructions for the room.
  • VET
  • VET