VET320 Research Methodology and Writing a Thesis

Credits (ECTS):1.5

Course responsible:Marit Stormoen

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Vår og høst

Teaching and exam period:

This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring semester,

This course has teaching/evaluation in Fall semester

About this course

  • Scientific writing: principles and practical assignments.
  • Scientific method: planning and design of research projects.
  • Critical reading of scientific publications
  • Questionnaires: planning and execution.
  • Scientific literature: searching in databases and the use of reference tools.
  • Data management: establishment and use of own database.
  • Statistics: basic methods for description and analysis of data.

Learning outcome

The course will provide students with practical and scientific methodological basis for a good start and implementation of a thesis at NMBU Veterinary college.

After completing the course the student should:

  • Have the necessary methodological expertise to conduct a thesis at NMBU Veterinary college.
  • Be able to make a good plan for the work with a thesis based on the standard protocol for NMBU Veterinary college.
  • Be able to make appropriate cover letter and registration form for the completion of a questionnaire relating to own thesis, and to make a relevant database in accordance with the standard template.
  • Be able to explain the main types of study design and relevant statistical methods, and know which designs and analysis methods that are appropriate in a thesis.
  • Know the principles of scientific writing, have established a Word file for writing the thesis based on the default template, and use EndNote to store references and create reference lists.
  • Understand the importance of critical appraisal of scientific papers, and understand how systematic and random errors can give misleading information both in published papers and in their own thesis.
  • Learning is achieved through plenary lectures, discussions, group assignements and by making a plan for the thesis based on a standard template
  • Completed 1-9. semester of the Veterinary Medicine Program
  • The course is passed when the following requirements are met

    • Passing the multiple choice test on the last day of the course.
    • Approved Research protocol.

    If the student fails the multiple choice test, a new test is carried out and must be passed within three weeks or in connection with the course the following semester.

    Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • There is no requirement for attendance.
  • Requirements for personal equipment

    • Personal laptop.

    Responsible: Marit Stormoen

  • VET
  • Admitted to the Veterinary Medicine Program and completed 1-9. semester of the veterinary medicine program