THT100 Municipal Engineering

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Ulf Rydningen

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:The nominal work load for a 5-credit course is 125 hours, which means that in addition to the organized teaching (36 hours), about 30 hours per week during the teaching period is expected.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the January block. This course has teaching/evaluation in the January block.

About this course

The course is aimed at students from all study programs who benefit from basic knowledge of planning and operation of municipal engineering facilities, i.e. roads, water, sewage and waste disposal. For students in the study program water and environmental engineering, the course will give a certain overview of the options for further study in the study programme. The course consists of lectures on management, planning and operation of municipal engineering facilities:

  • Road: Basic dimensioning and construction, some transport planning
  • Water supply: Water extraction, water treatment, water distribution
  • Wastewater (central and decentralized solutions): Collection and transport, waste water treatment and resource recovery, discharge to recipient
  • Modern stormwater management to prevent floods, manage pollutants and use stormwater as a resource
  • Renovation and resource recovery
  • Geotechnical engineering and natural hazards
  • Municipal administration, finance and planning processes, spatial planning for municipal engineering facilities, localization theory, universal design
  • Principles for placing houses on land and fire prevention

Learning outcome


The students have basic knowledge of municipal organisation, as well as the planning, construction and operation of municipal engineering facilities such as road, water, drainage, stormwater and waste disposal facilities. They know important principles when planning land and the utilization and placement of houses, as well as fire protection.


Students can participate in interdisciplinary communication about municipal engineering facilities with people from different professional backgrounds.

General competence

The students have experience with interdisciplinary teaching.

  • Learning activities
  • Teaching support
    The course responsible and other teachers are available, with appointment, for supervision during office hours.
  • Assessment method
    Written digital home exam with multiple choice questions, 1 hour, graded A - F.

    Written exam at home Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    The external and internal examiner jointly prepare the exam questions and the grading guide. The external examiner reviews the internal examiner's assessment of a random sample of candidates as a calibration at certain intervals according to the faculty's guidelines for exam grading.
  • Notes
    The course is aimed at students from all study programs who benefit from basic knowledge of planning and operation of municipal engineering facilities, i.e. roads, water, sewage and waste disposal. For students in the study program water and environmental engineering, the course will give a certain overview of the options for further study in the study programme.
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures: 36 hours (3 x 4 hours per week for 3 weeks)