PHG316 Urban Greening and Landscape Management
Credits (ECTS):10
Course responsible:Ingjerd Solfjeld
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Limits of class size:This course will only be given if students with M-PV/GM "grøntmiljø" or a minimum of twenty students register. Maximum 30 students can participate.
Course frequency:Every second year, 2025, 2027,...
Nominal workload:250 hours
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the August block and contiunues in the autumn parallel. This course has teaching in August block and Autumn parallel.
About this course
Learning outcome
The student shall have broad insight into conditions that affect the possibilities of achieving good quality green spaces, whether these have recreational, environmental or aesthetic functions. Have a basis for planning the establishment and appropriate maintenance. The student shall have a good understanding of how different environmental factors and maintenance affect the development and quality of vegetation in green facilities and in the cultural landscape.
The student will have an overview of the various phases of planning, establishment and maintenance and be able to point to challenges focusing on plants and discuss possible solutions in the different phases. The student shall be able to communicate with various actors in the field of planning, establishment, and restoration ecology and the maintenance of green areas including the cultural landscape.
General competence
The student shall develope respect for their own and other's field of expertize, acknowledging interdisiplinarity and be able to assess which competencies schould be involved in different projects.
- Seminars and lectures, excursions and demonstrations. Seminars are based on student presentations, discussions and dialogues. Students write a report based on field surveys and present the work to the other students.
- The students will be given feedback on their presentations and supervised during the report writing.
- Engelsk: PHG113 and JORD160 or similar, PHG213, PHG215 (can be taken in parallel)
- Oral exam in the exam period, A-F
Oral exam Grading: Letter grades - Extern examiner participate during oral examination
Written report and presentation thereof in August Block.
Participation in excursions and demonstrations in August Block.
Participation in seminars with the presentation of academic topics and active discussion.
Details emerge from the schedule.
When repeating the course, the course must be taken in its entirety - including mandatory activity.
The course is in development.
- About 45 h lectures and seminars and about 20 h excursions and demonstrations
- Engelsk: Master´s degree students in Plant Science or Landscape Architecture and Bachelor´s degree students in Plant Science and Landscape Ingeneering.
- Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)