DYR201 Animal Behaviour and Husbandry

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Heidi Rasch Johnsen

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Fall semester. This course has teaching/evaluation in Fall semester

About this course


To provide the student with a platform of knowledge useful in the workplace, between people as well as between people and animals. Some fundamental subjects of use in upcoming subjects.

Learning outcome

On completing the course the student should:

  • Have knowledge of the rules regulating the keeping of animals/husbandry in Norway
  • Have knowledge of professional ethics
  • Have knowledge around the importance of good hygiene in clinic enviroment
  • Have knowledge of the anatomy, physiology, feeding and natural habitat of domestic animals, including birds and reptiles
  • Be able to safely handle most common animals, including birds and reptiles
  • Have knowledge of basic animal behaviour and behavioural corrections
  • Be able to provide proper detal care and guide customers with regard to prevention/prophylaxis
  • Be able to ID-tag domestic animals.
  • Be able to treat customers in a professional and accommodating manner and provide guidance

DYR201 will help the students acquire the skills and knowledge described in the following ACOVENE Competences from ACOVENEs Dossier of European Competences for the Veterinary Nurse :

  • EC 1 Health and safety
  • EC 2 Developing personal performance and maintaining working relationships
  • EC 3 Carry out veterinary reception duties
  • EC 4 Manage clinical environments for procedures and investigations
  • EC 6 Provide and administer nursing care
  • EC 7 Supporting clients in caring for animals
  • EC 8 Perform Laboratory Diagnostic Tests
  • EC 13 Dispense and administer medication
  • Learning activities

    Teaching methods and approaches:

    The teaching consists of lectures, practical instruction and self study.

    Teaching aids:

    Most lectures are made available on Canvas. Some teachers provide handouts prior to lectures, and beyond this students are asked to study reference books from the literaturelist. The students should also find additional literature on the library and relevant databases.

  • Assessment method


    During the duration of the block every student is to give an oral presentation. Two members of staff, including the person responsible for the block, must be present at the presentation. The evaluatiion of the presentation is announced by e-mail.

    If a student has not given or not passed the oral presentation, no ECTS will be awarded until passed.

    When the block is finished, students are to submit an exam paper in writing to the person responsible for the block.The length of the paper is 5 pages, +/- 10 %. See the separate rules for exam paper writing. Papers must be submitted by 15.00 on the last day of the block. Failure to submit the paper in time will result in a grade of non pass, as with any ordinary wiritten exam. In case of illness the ordinary examination rules apply.

    Aids: All study aids are allowed.Grading: Pass/fail

    Written task Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • Examiner scheme
    The exam paper is graded by an external sensor.
  • Mandatory activity

    Mandatory education and study requirements:

    Mandatory course work: All demonstrations and practical instruction is mandatory.

    Demands: In order to have their final written assignment graded, students must complete and pass an oral presentation. The presentations will be filmed, and the students are required to submit a self evaluation after viewing their own presentation. In order to pass the final, written assignment, these demands must be met.

  • Preferential right
  • Reduction of credits
  • Admission requirements
    Admitted to the bachelor's degree i Veterinary Nursing