B15-LI Bachelor's Thesis
Credits (ECTS):15
Course responsible:Kristin Marie Berg
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:Annually and mandatory from spring 2019.
Nominal workload:375 hours: From this students should decide the following: 2-3 hours general information on the subject, 2-6 hours joint seminar, 3 hours library courses, 2-4 hours individual instruction, 1 hour orally presentation of thesis.
Teaching and exam period: Primary January block and Spring parallel The topic is chosen in April of the previous year, and a supervisor is assigned during May of the same year. The student is responsible for and is encouraged to contact his supervisor before the summer holidays. The student will then be able to start the task of collecting literature, finding a case-area, carrying out inspections and observing during the summer holiday and during the autumn-period before the intensive period in January-May the following year.
About this course
The bachelor's thesis must be an in-depth project within the landscape engineers study. Students are encouraged to write the assigment together in groups of two.
The process leading up to the submitted assignment consists of: Choice of topic, assigned supervisor, make schedule and agreement guidance, sign contract, designing problem, planning method and method of implementation, acquire/familiarize yourself with relevant theory and empirical data, possibly carry out field surveys/field inspections/own studies, process, present and discuss own data against theory/empirical data as well as complete and submit written assignments.
The approach and task implementation may depend on the topic and method selection. It can be based on science (soil, plant subjects, biology, ecology), technical subjects (civil engineering, materials theory, construction, stormwater problems) or social sciences/management (operational, strategic or political level). The thesis can also be angled locally, regionally, nationally or internationally.
The thesis may be based solely on literature, but will often include a survey where the student collects, processes and produces data. Usually, most tasks of this type will have such a structure: - introduction with presentation of research question(s) - briefly on approach and method - presentation of theory and empirical data in the field - describe methodology and results of own field surveys / field inspections and / or literature surveys - discuss the findings in light of theory / empirical data - summarize/summarize and design conclusion - literature list, references. Finally, summaries and prefaces are written.
Learning outcome
The bachelor's thesis will give the students practice in independent work by carrying out an assignment/preparing a report in which the students theyself has defined, planned, carried out and completed the work within the set time frame. The students should be able to acquire relevant information to give answers to a defined problem. The students will develop independent skills in written academic dissemination within a chosen topic.
Through the bachelor's thesis, the students should have achieved the following learning objectives defined as knowledge, skills and general competence:
The students should have knowledge:
- on key topics and current issues in research and development work within the chosen topic
- about identifying problem(s) and formulating problem(s)
- about theories, issues and methods in the field
- about role understanding in academic discussions, processes and projects
- on the social meaning of the topic, including interaction with other disciplines
The students should have skills in:
- apply professional knowledge of methods and tools
- collect, process and present literature-based information or own data
- use relevant academic language and professional tools, techniques and illustrative forms of expression
- carry out systematic and targeted investigative work
- prepare and present a written report with appropriate structure
- be able to justify their conclusions
- oral presentation of own work
The students should have acquired general competence in:
- manage their own learning work and progress with independence
- make an update of one's own knowledge in the field
- have a critical look at one's own work and be able to reflect on counter-arguments and other perspectives
Learning activities
Teaching support
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Mandatory activity
Teaching hours
Preferential right