SHAMISEN-SINGS aims to enhance Citizen Participation in preparedness for and recovery from a radiation accident through novel tools and APPs to support data collection on radiation measurements, health and well-being indicators.

01 des. 2017 - 29 feb. 2020


One of the major lessons learned from previous nuclear accidents, in particular Chernobyl and Fukushima, is the need to increase stakeholder engagement in accident preparedness and response.
Community participation through dialogue with local facilitators and experts was key to understanding the needs of the affected populations (including real time information feedback, RP support, health assessment and follow-up) and building trust in local representatives after the Fukushima accident. The use of personal dosimeters (such as the D-Shuttle) or other devices that allow populations to perform their own dose measurements has also proven successful in empowering them to take control of their lives in recovery situations. In addition, public participation in health surveillance studies can lead to enhanced compliance and acceptance of results. Importantly, these citizen participation initiatives can also be a very valuable tool to guide decision making processes related to accident management and/or recovery.

SHAMISEN-SINGS, is built upon the recommendations of the EC-OPERRA funded SHAMISEN project.


The specific objectives are to:

  • Interact with stakeholders to assess their needs, and their interest in contributing to dose and health assessment, and evaluate how new technologies could best fulfil these needs.
  • Review existing APPs for citizen-based dose measurements, and establish minimum standards of quality;
  • Review existing APPs/systems to monitor health and develop a core protocol for a citizenbased study on health, social, and psychological consequences of a radiation accident;
  • Build upon existing tools to develop the concept/guidelines for one or more APPs that could be used for:
    • monitor radiation to empower affected population and to contribute to radiation assessment of an accident's consequence, including visualisation of radiation conditions;
    • log behavioural and health information to be used, with appropriate ethics and informed consent, for citizen science studies.
    • provide a channel for practical information, professional support and dialogue.
  • Assess the ethical challenges and implications of both the APPs and citizen science activities through a consensus workshop.
