New CAPS leadership

By Rani Lill Anjum

bildet viser Yevgeniya Tomkiv
Fakultet for miljøvitenskap og naturforvaltning , NMBU

Dr Yevgeniya Tomkiv will lead NMBU CAPS together with Rani Lill Anjum from February 2022. 

Yevgeniya is a perfect match for NMBU CAPS, with her many years of experience from trans- and interdisciplinary research, working in the intersection between the natural and social sciences. She has a broad interest in philosophy of science and ethics, and has spent many years developing new methods for improving communication and collaboration across disciplines, and stakeholder involvement.

Since 2013, Yevgeniya has been part of the NMBU centre of excellence, CERAD - Centre for Environmental Radioactivity, and has been involved in various European projects dealing with societal aspects of radiological emergencies (PREPARE, NERIS, SHAMISEN) and stakeholder involvement in environmental remediation (NanoRem). Before this, she got her Master's degree in ecology from NMBU, where she focused on environmental risk assessment with a specialty topic on societal aspects of the risk assessment.

Yevgeniya is on the management board of the European Platform for Social Sciences and Humanities in Ionizing Radiation Research and leads a research umbrella on societal impacts at CERAD.

Published - Updated
