New project for a more sustainable aquaculture industry awarded REALTEK


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The SEA-CYCLE project will develop knowledge that will help increase sustainable approaches in existing sludge and wastewater handling processes while minimizing pollution in the marine environment.

Will create a value chain for waste from aquaculture production

Aquaculture is currently the fastest growing food production sector globally, but it also has the potential to leave a significant environmental impact due to inadequate waste management practices within its production systems. To ensure a sustainable expansion of this industry, it is crucial to make efforts to minimize or mitigate these environmental effects, while creating circular economy.

The SEA-CYCLE project aims to utilize waste and wastewater from the aquaculture industry by implementing circular economy principles in the management of aquaculture waste as part of the production processes.

The primary objective of SEA-CYCLE is to develop knowledge that will help increase sustainable approaches in existing sludge and wastewater handling processes while minimizing pollution in the marine environment. The project proposes technologies to contribute to the circular approaches in the aquaculture sector while reducing the environmental pollution via sustainable wastewater treatment and resource recovery techniques. In addition, SEA-CYCLE will evaluate the economic viability of these technologies from a societal point of view, considering both the environmental costs and benefits involved.

Researcher Project for Young Talents

SEA-CYCLE has received funding from the Research Council of Norway through the call Researcher Project for Young Talents (Thematic Priority Call), where parts of the funding was set aside for research on production and/or processing technologies of relevance to the aquaculture sector.

The topic was announced in cooperation with IOC-UNESCO as part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science, which aims to increase ocean knowledge and ensure that society can use this knowledge, enabling us to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Read the Research Council's press release about the ocean research grants


Title: Sustainable aquaculture industry waste valorization through recycling (SEA-CYCLE)

Total budget: 13,6 MNOK (8 MNOK financed by the Research Council)

Duration: 4 years

Planned start date: 1 April 2024


Project coordinator:

The research will be carried out by the Resource Recovery group.

Published - Updated
